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we haven't seen any
送交者: ItsScheme 2008年11月19日10:17:50 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
distribution in last 2 weeks which suggest strongly that a powerfull rally to a higher level around xxx for distribution in near term. today? tomorrow or friday? who knows. but it will happen. hence, keep in mind that when you go long include some small position for multi-day rally. we've seen the failed attempt rally end of the last week. will another one far away? 4th session now since last attempt...
  if we close about 860 on spx - ItsScheme 11/19/08 (319)
    should be above not about,typo  /无内容 - ItsScheme 11/19/08 (154)
    shiiiiiiiiiiiii... - ItsScheme 11/19/08 (235)
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