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just in, spx to 400
送交者: ItsScheme 2008年11月30日14:42:51 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
i rolled my dice and my computer crunched 100 hours comes up with spx to 400 in next couple of years. based on current estimate of the spx earnings of $52 and bear market bottom of PE of 7.5, which will be a support over 100 years history, then spx will be at 390. count on it. if earnings are further reduced, then spx to 200 is also possible... http://www.multpl.com/?gclid=CMPTsP-o-ZYCFQMQswodrkXnZQ
  SP到4000需要很长时间,到2000倒是有可能  /无内容 - free2005 12/01/08 (144)
    一万年太久, 只争朝夕  /无内容 - ItsScheme 12/01/08 (137)
  If fed print a lot USD - 水滴~ 12/01/08 (264)
    let me toss the coin... - ItsScheme 12/01/08 (274)
      in addition to printing - 水滴~ 12/01/08 (263)
        smart brains will eye on not - ItsScheme 12/01/08 (205)
      Wow! Thanks for the link!  /无内容 - 水滴~ 12/01/08 (138)
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