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送交者: k19 2008年12月24日08:54:05 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
http://bp3.blogger.com/_pMscxxELHEg/RxzD0s_7EYI/AAAAAAAABB4/ljDSXZhMG3o/s1600-h/IMFresets.jpg I watched the first wave, the subprime wave when it was heading up. Now the next wave is comming. the second one. You think the first one killed a lot of banks? hehehe. wait for the next, it will be as bad if not worse than the first one. And don't think 2009 will be fine because it is a the valley of the two waves. Because people are walking out before the reset. So it will bring pains to banks and economy much sooner. Not many people have talked about this yet. Trust me when they do, it will be amagedon. People are so behind the curve on this one.
  三人行必有我师  /无内容 - free2005 12/27/08 (94)
    Thanks a lot. - k19 12/28/08 (176)
      Alright alright, cool your jet - 鲜卑贺葛氏 12/29/08 (119)
  Just found this, explained - k19 12/24/08 (239)
  use this chart as a guidence - k19 12/24/08 (250)
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