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New Year first opportunity...
送交者: ItsScheme 2009年01月02日10:07:48 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
Today might be a gift for the short to enter day trading short, or might even great day for enter a swing short late of the day...scale in...we are at strong resistance... given the light volume, i don't mind test the water. another new day high attempt(around 922 to 925 on spx) is the opportunity to enter short, Pick up those stop. if further stopped out, short at a higher level again...
  楼主是个机灵鬼。。。 - free2005 01/02/09 (277)
  You really should... - 灵机不动 01/02/09 (257)
  short into close...  /无内容 - ItsScheme 01/02/09 (267)
    ok cover most short and - ItsScheme 01/02/09 (325)
      start with cautious - ItsScheme 01/02/09 (268)
        瞧您这忙和,估计熊熊都没闲着,赫赫。  /无内容 - 6degrees 01/04/09 (183)
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