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Week ahead forecast for SPX:
送交者: ItsScheme 2009年01月04日20:40:14 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
On weekly, a bear flag is forming. On daily, possible a round top if there is no significant up side movement in next few sessions. The price range might be in between 875 to 945 in the early of the week. Anything significant above or below that level will indicate the shift of the price range or the break out either side. The risk/reward ratio is in favour of the short. There is not much room for upside movement (assume counter trend rally channel is in place) from here though the counter trend rally can still last another few weeks. We would start to accumulate short position if there is a minor up on Monday as well as to place delta neutral position for longer term.
  楼主是个鬼精灵 - free2005 01/04/09 (193)
    It is called active management - efinancialgame 01/04/09 (196)
  Are you shure risk/reward - 6degrees 01/04/09 (293)
    sure for the coming week - ItsScheme 01/04/09 (260)
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