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have you participated this up
送交者: ItsScheme 2009年01月27日10:04:47 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
move? yes? no? we have. what"s the next? we have the answer. if you are interested in getting on board, please send me an email at itsscheme@efinancialgame.com
  good, why not turn on - Yani 01/28/09 (231)
    see, ES 866.5 is the first one - efinancialgame 01/28/09 (158)
    which post? yesterday's posts - efinancialgame 01/28/09 (199)
      i mean comments on u comments  /无内容 - Yani 01/29/09 (141)
  Congratulations! - Press1forEnglish 01/27/09 (129)
    good to see you make money - efinancialgame 01/28/09 (171)
    可别碰上一天跌60%的,呵呵。  /无内容 - 6degrees 01/27/09 (205)
      周三, 又涨了10几, 赫赫  /无内容 - QWE 01/28/09 (219)
        Q股神说说,这次股市反弹到哪里? - 6degrees 01/28/09 (272)
          今天已经不错了, 也许明天或后天才到顶 - QWE 01/28/09 (258)
            “撞顶迹象”出现后,吼一嗓子啊。 - 6degrees 01/28/09 (209)
              但是这次没出现什么撞顶啊 - QWE 01/30/09 (137)
      实战测试:明天银行股是涨还是跌?  /无内容 - doublebb 01/27/09 (167)
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