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送交者: ItsScheme 2009年02月22日11:08:13 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
When bull market at or near the top, there are very few bears left (I'm the one, my very first post here, warning you in Sep 2007 that market is at or near top), all we heard were the bulls screaming around and saying that market will go to the moon. When bear market at or near the bottom, there are very few bulls left (I’m the one here, will tell you the story about it in our site), all we heard are the bears screaming around and crying for that the sky is falling. In micro prospect here, have you heard the screaming of the bear in last few days who shorted at very bottom on Nov 20? Did you see some bulls turned to bears? Did you hear all these pessimistic talk lately? In macro prospect, government officials and Fed as well as all these analysts are crying for bad time ahead. They are supposed to say: the economy is fundamentally strong; the problems are well maintained; ... ; Banks’ capital is strong enough to withstand this down turn... Have you prepared for something...?
  the most reliable trading - 扫盲教育 02/22/09 (354)
    right, pigs are trapped in - ItsScheme 02/22/09 (228)
  I am a short term bull.  /无内容 - 6degrees 02/22/09 (209)
  Nope - k19 02/22/09 (290)
    i hear what you say, - ItsScheme 02/22/09 (273)
      whatever you say man. - k19 02/22/09 (236)
        no worry, nobody is going to - ItsScheme 02/22/09 (224)
          Thanks buddy. - k19 02/23/09 (213)
            I am so happy to see - 水滴~ 02/23/09 (226)
  Sep 2007 - k19 02/22/09 (342)
    since you buzzzs me so much - ItsScheme 02/22/09 (382)
      End of this year. I plan to - k19 02/22/09 (284)
        oh, don't wait that long... - ItsScheme 02/22/09 (212)
          It will take a long time for - k19 02/23/09 (198)
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