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And yes we have a psychotic
送交者: ItsScheme 2009年02月22日21:58:56 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
here who is wrestling every topic even though he knows noting about the topic. Worse, he likes to show off his "extremely" prviate stuff in public...you know what is it... 千翻儿? ha, he was slaughtered looooooooooooong time ago. 12 months ago, He was saying that he was investing in chinese stock. He is a long term investor, very looooooooooooong term investor. Judging chinese stock performance since then, you can judge he is slaughtered. He used to play guitar to attract woman fans... Worse, He pretent he is a woman by saying he is a woman and likes a woman... ouch... Bullish? It is the shadow of the psychotic. It is used only to attack people. You woundn't be able to see any substance in bullish's posts. Since both bullish and psychotic's IP being collected, the bullish ma jia become much quiet...sick girly man, very sick hypocrite... meanwhile, another ma jia talks to psychotic is still under investigation, don't worry...my previous post was encouraging that ma jia to show up to print his IP...Becouse of the previous record, it is guilty until prove innocent not as usual proven guilty or innocent. ouch, futures indicates that pigs are indeed slaughtered...$475/contract is enough to buy a head of a pig...
    Thank you for your encourage. - ItsScheme 02/23/09 (259)
    我很同意小寒的意见。 - 水滴~ 02/23/09 (378)
        家里人都好,只是一个好朋友得了重病,一直 - 水滴~ 02/23/09 (203)
      I said i'll not visit china - ItsScheme 02/23/09 (221)
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