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What does this article really
送交者: ItsScheme 2009年02月27日09:07:33 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
What does this article really say? Really want you sell into rally or try to sneak in to get better price? http://biz.yahoo.com/ibd/090225/etf.html?.v=1 What do you think recent market action? There are a lot seller/short caused market drop to new 52 week low? NO! So what is it? The chart has printed something here: stock is under heavy accumulation lately. With over 10 points drop today, Vix barely nudges a point. More importantly, a gap down got filled immediately. For the record, we wish market can drop further so that we can get in full position cheaper, please understand I'm not pump here. One more thing, i'm here to "take care" all of our fellow chinese here before we have a full campaign of cyclical/counter trend bull market. you know what does that mean...When public realiszd bear market bottom is in, market already half way in the bull market. If we hit 500 or lower in 6 months, then bear market is over. If we hit bottom here above 650, and have a cyclical bull, then bear may still wish market back to 400 in few years. Now, i'll keep my mouth shut till market hit sub 600 if ever in next 3 months. Then an official pump or campaign for a bull market.
  forget about bull market - k19 02/27/09 (373)
    I have to agree with you even - fangemin 02/27/09 (247)
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