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送交者: ItsScheme 2009年03月04日12:00:48 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
2009-03-04; 14:16:24; Once break out the resistance of 715 and heading higher, then have trailing stop in placed . . 2009-03-04; 13:18:14; Alert: So far the pull back is very mild. Market might be in process for late day rally. Next mini dip is the buy stop against day low or simply wait till before close to buy... 2009-03-04; 11:49:34; Mid-day comments on SPX: It is possible intraday rising wedge, we will sell some calls on next spike up from here. If we’ve seen the morning high around here and have a minor pull back late and close toward day high and If day high late does not much high than morning high, then long into to close for overnight position with stop. If there is a big pull back, then buy for daytrading long.
  cnbs - k19 03/04/09 (608)
    let me repeat again, please - ItsScheme 03/05/09 (286)
      I know, but it matters - k19 03/05/09 (224)
    thanks for posting  /无内容 - Yani 03/05/09 (355)
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