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If you want to buy the banks
送交者: k19 2009年03月24日13:09:25 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
Understand this first http://zerohedge.blogspot.com/ The banks marked their toxic asset at 90 to 98 cents to the dollar. So if they sell their assets at 70 cents on the dollar, they will have to mark it down. So this plan is a joke. If you can't understand all these, stay away from the bank shares.
  So,what's your forcast? - 西锅 03/26/09 (214)
    Here is roubini's forecast. - k19 03/26/09 (261)
      Thanks, it's reassuring to me - 西锅 03/28/09 (204)
  Thank you for the link. - 水滴~ 03/24/09 (301)
    jpm alone has 90 trillions - k19 03/24/09 (268)
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