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good old big down day is comin
送交者: ItsScheme 2009年04月19日14:49:45 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
coming... http://efinancialgame.com/trading/ *** 2009-04-19; 17:05:08; Week ahead: The market has been stretched so much that a perfect rising wedge has formed, see attached chart. A break out to the either side will be a sure thing soon. We believe that it will happen before the end of the month. The probability of break to the down side is much high than break to the up side since the rising wedge is a bearish pattern. As matter of fact that SPX has always broken to the down side in the past once the rising wedge formed. Will this time different? We shall see shortly. Though it can be a broadening wedge if market breaks to the down side. In any case, traders have to adjust the change of the dynamic of the market and trade on it. As chart indicated, we are near the apex of the rising wedge. Once market reaches the resistance, then one should add on the short and cover some short once market reaches the support. If market breaks to the down side, aggressive traders may add on the short aggressively with stop. ***
  Nice chart - Seawaves 04/20/09 (325)
    thank you for your interesting - ItsScheme 04/20/09 (193)
  You will be wrong again. - wiseman2009 04/19/09 (394)
    son, just listen what i said - ItsScheme 04/20/09 (244)
      What? - wiseman2009 04/20/09 (219)
    I hope not  /无内容 - sunshine 04/20/09 (238)
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