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Market will crash one day morn
送交者: ItsScheme 2009年05月10日22:41:00 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
morning when you wake up and find out your portfolios are worthless. *** Yes, this time the banks are the gangsters. They're robbing Main Street's Treasury. And it's an inside job. Hank Paulson, the "Goldman Conspiracy's" Trojan Horse, plays a "Dillinger," leading a much bigger conspiracy, the "Happy Conspiracy," that robbed America's 300 million citizens and taxpayers. They made off with trillions, while our "guards," a clueless Congress, laid down their guns and surrendered the keys to the vault Over the past century, a gradual move from owners' capitalism -- providing the lion's share of the rewards of investment to those who put up the money and risk their own capital -- has culminated in an extreme version of managers' capitalism -- providing vastly disproportionate rewards to those whom we have trusted to manage our enterprises in the interest of their owners." **** http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/Goldman-Conspiracy-explosive-13-episode/story.aspx?guid=%7bDB023061-CF72-4CA3-B4E0-C72D0893D76D%7d
  they made a good profit? - ItsScheme 05/10/09 (332)
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