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tech rally and overall market
送交者: 豌豆王 2009年06月11日10:28:53 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
Recently, TXN and QCOM increased earning forcast, but remain cautious of a lack of real tech pickup, so the initial rally of the tech market has repeatedly fizzled.. so for now: tech stocks remain in a trading range.. financials remain strong as powered by the increased retail sales.. Banks especially investment banks will continue to do well, with Bank of America being a top pick. Employment picture remains weak, and of course the anticipated economic recovery is a slow course, so there is always a delay in real improvement on employment. Yes, the market has rebounded more than 30% from the 12-year low in March, and many are waiting for a sizeable correction lately.. But such a market sell-off may not happen. Dow 6500 was simply too over-sold back in March, so even if recovery comes slow and the market may still just stay roughly at the current level. It does not have to correct itself in a significant fashion just because it has already gained 30% or 40%. as long as there is hope and steady evidence coming on improving economic indicators, it can even continue to rally for another 30% with no major pullback. Therefore, do not be bearish and pessimistic too early, just watch company earnings and economic news and stay with market.
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