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送交者: shychi 2010年06月06日07:27:24 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话

Is it time to buy?


In recent weeks, there are a lot of quality oversold stocks that may suddenly bounce back when market recovers. Even if the market does not fully recover, many of these stocks will bounce back to re-test the previous support level. These can be good profit opportunities.


Here is a list of stocks that broken down their support levels (bottom up trendline) for more than 3 days in the last week. They could be good buy candidates despite this market condition: TASR, PICO, OTTR, FTI, ASEI, APC, MAS, TLAB, TPC, LHCG, JJM, FOE, CWTR, BWINB…


See the entire list of "bottom line break down" stocks, go to:  http://www.screenulator.com/cgi-bin/view_screen?id=9


Note: Some of these stocks may continue go down before it comes back to re-test the previous support level.


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