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送交者: 胡祈胡想 2010年10月31日08:01:06 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話

1 SWC是美國僅有的兩個鈀金公司,SWC比PAL更有前途?
2 鈀金屬於 Palladium; the stealth bull market(一篇專門論述鈀金牛市的文章)
3 鈀金價格下一站是800-900
4 SWC價格只要能停留在18以上一周,下一站價格就是23-24
5 SWC的底價是12
6 SWC突破23後的下一站是30
7 SWC主要價格戰在34-36
8 SWC價格站穩了35區間一周以上的下一個價格區間是48-51
9 SWC最高價格頂部可能在100-120
10 全球汽車製造商已經開始囤積鈀金
11 鈀金ETF/PALL在短短幾個月內購買了五十萬盎司鈀金?速度神奇
12 本分析的結論:

The long term outlook for SWC is extremely bullish. The current pattern 
is projecting a high probability that its all time high will be taken 
out; the if factor has been removed and has been replaced with the when 
factor. In between one should expect a lot of volatility; remember that 
good things never come about easily; if they do they were not worth it 
to begin with. Unlike Palladium bullion, there are two factors that come 
into play for SWC. One is the price of bullion and the second is the 
overall health of the equity's markets. If the markets are experiencing 
a strong correction then SWC might not move up as fast as it normally 
would, even if Palladium prices are rising. Therefore, it would be wise 
to have a position in both Palladium bullion and SWC.
Our long term targets for SWC now fall in the $100-$120 ranges. This 
could one day be viewed as a conservative target; once the real bull 
phase of a rally begins it's not unusual for a stock to at least double 
in price. A real bull market begins when the all time high is taken out; 
in this case, it would be $46.625. From a long term perspective SWC has 
just begun its bullish run.
"Do not use a hatchet to remove a fly from your friend's forehead." ~ 
Chinese Proverb

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2008: hi, 缺口氣? everyone!
2008: 牛六度同學救命! 要不要賣? :-)