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送交者: hebeiman 2012年02月29日11:46:13 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話


I write to you based on a request for an investment option in your country by a client of mine. My name is Mr.Phillip Johnson.
I'm a consultant and I engage in business feasibilities. My reason for contacting you is that my client has an urgent need to invest a considerable amount of funds into lucrative opportunities in your country. My client's request is for a competent individual such as you, who will be willing to put this money to good use for a period of 6years for a start.
He is offering you these terms:
1). 15% will be paid to you as an administrator of the total fund to be managed.
2). The fund will be used by you as a foreign Administrator as a loan without any interest.
That is, you do not pay any interest on the money, but you will give him 85% of all profits after tax that will accrue from the use of the fund. If these terms are agreeable to you, kindly get back to me and I will provide you with other necessary information.
Mr.Phillip Johnson

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