13.2 色界 Color Boundary |
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前文談了欲界的眾生,都有色欲、聲欲、香欲、味欲、觸欲,此五欲如飲食、性交、和睡眠等。色界眾生皆依禪定而住,無諸欲塵,唯有淨妙的色身,身衣隨意,衣重忽略不計,無復男女,但以禪定法喜為食。欲界總為五趣雜居地(如圖13.2-23),亦作穢土;由散業所招感,故又名散地。色界和無色界由不動的定業所招感,所以又名定地。色是變礙義(參見11.4.1節《色蘊》)。色界有四地十八天。 As mentioned earlier, all sentient beings in the desire boundary have the desires for color, sound, fragrance, taste, and touch, which are such as eating and drinking, sexual intercourse, and sleep. Sentient beings of color boundary rely on meditative stillness to live, free of all desire-dusts, with only immaculate wonderful color body, clothes as wish, clothing weight is negligible, without male or female, only feeding on the juristic delights of meditative stillness. The Desire Boundary in whole is “five interests mixed dwell land” (see fig. 13.2-23), also known as Filthy Land, aka. Land of Dispersion because it is induced by dispersed karma. The color boundary and the colorless boundary are caused by immovable karma, therefore are also called Still Land. Color is the meaning of change and obstruction (see Section 11.4.1 Color Node). There are four lands and eighteen skies in the color boundary. 13.2.1 神身天 Godly Body Sky離生喜樂地是色界第一地,是初禪地(如圖13.2-24,參見12.2節),謂此諸天已離欲界諸惡欲之法,得覺觀禪定,身心凝靜,而生喜樂。此地有三天,神眾天、神輔天、和神身天。 The “Leave Producing Delight and Laugh Land” is the first land of the Color Boundary, is land of first meditation (see fig. 13.2-24, cf. section 12.2), which means that these skies are free from all the ferocious-desire laws of the Desire Boundary, and have attained perceptions and views of meditative stillness, therefore delights and laughs are born. The land has three skies, namely Godly Crowds Sky, Godly Assistants Sky, and Godly Body Sky. 一)神眾天,超六欲天,遠離飲食、淫慾、睡眠三種過患,故名為神。天者清淨離染之謂。通而言之,四禪(參見12.2節)諸天皆名天神,皆清淨故。眾者民也,謂此諸天是大神天主的民眾。蓋以欲界習定,創得初禪,禪力未深,故命終後,生為神民,內有覺觀心,外感火災所壞。火是個大種(參見11.2節);火災所壞義為無意識(古作神識)隨時會調整自己,他們隨時會變回到普通人。這用古人的說法就是:他們又墮落到了人間。神眾諸天身長半由旬,壽二十小劫。由旬是一個佛教中的長度單位,是脖子底下掛着個金剛鈴的牛的一天的行程(注1)。 First, Godly Crowds Skies, they have transcended the six Desire Skies, leaving afar drink and food, sexual desire, and sleep, the three kinds of annoyances, hence name of sky gods. Sky means immaculate, leaving contaminations afar; generally speaking, four meditation skies all are called gods, because they are all immaculate. Crowds means citizens, saying that they are citizens of the Lord of Great God Sky. They practiced meditation, created first meditation, meditative power is not deep yet, therefore, after the end of their lives, are born as godly citizens. They have perceptions and views inside, outside feel fire disasters would destruct them. Fire is a big seed (cf. section 11.2); the meaning of what fire destroys is that the unconscious (ancient as God-sense) adjusts itself at any time, and they change back to ordinary people at any time. This is said, in the words of the ancients, that they have fallen back to earth. Their average body length is half a yojana; life-expectancy is 20 small-catastrophes. Yojana is a Buddhist unit of length, the day's journey of a cow with a philosopher-stone bell under its neck. 注13.2.1-1,這意味着這牛是上帝的騎乘,這是牛車,大乘教法。如果讀者你在研究聖誕老人,宙斯的教法,小乘教法,鹿車(參見15.2節),那這由旬就是脖子底下掛着一串金剛鈴的鹿的一天的行程。如果讀者你在研究牙仙女,在研究雷音的教法,人天教法,羊車(參見15.3節),那這由旬就變成了脖子底下掛着個金剛鈴的山羊的一天的行程。 Annotation 13.2.1-1, this means that this cow is God's ride, this is the Cow Vehicle, Mahayana teachings. If reader you are studying Santa Claus, the teachings of Zeus, or Hinayana teachings, or Deer Vehicle (see Section 15.2), then this yojana is the one-day journey of a deer with a cluster of philosopher-stone jingle bells hanging under its neck. If you are studying Tooth Fairy, the teachings of Thor, or Human Sky Vehicle, or Goat Vehicle (see section 15.3), then this yojana becomes a day's journey of a goat with a philosopher-stone bell hanging under its neck. 二)神輔天,輔者佐也,謂此天是大神天主之輔佐臣僚。蓋以在欲界中,既得初禪,數數修習,禪力漸深,故命終已,得為神臣,身長一由旬,壽四十小劫。 Second, God Assistant Sky, saying that they are assistant ministers for Lord God-Body Sky. After they attainted first meditation in desire boundary, and they still practice from time to time, meditative power become deep and deeper, therefore, after death, are born as godly ministers. Body length is one yojana; life span is 40 small catastrophes. 三)神身天(2),亦作屍棄(3),大神天 (4),造書天(5),四面佛(6),謂一塵剎土世界(7)之主。此有情在欲界中,數習初禪,次復訶厭覺觀,捨棄初禪,入中間禪;已離覺染,未離觀染,得名無覺唯觀三昧(8)。於中求作天王,兼修四無量心(9),故感生此天。大神天在劫初生,劫盡滅,身高一由旬半,壽萬歲(9)。 Third, God-Body Sky (2), also known as Zombie Dumper (3), Great God Sky (4), Creating-Book Sky (5), Four Faces Buddha (6), is lord of one Dust Instant Soil World (7). This sentient being, in desire boundary, frequently practiced first meditation, then satiated, reprimanded, and abandoned first meditation, entered middle meditation. He or she is free of contamination of perception, still has pollution of view, gains the name of non-perception only-view stillness (8). Among which, he or she pursues to be sky king, and also cultivate four infinite hearts (9), therefore is born as this sky. God-Body Sky is born at the beginning of the catastrophe, extinguishes at the end of the catastrophe. Body length is 1.5 yojanas; life span is ten thousand solar calendar years (10). 注13.2.1-2,神身天是初禪的身體感覺狀態,和三歲以前的嬰幼兒類似,思想意識以隨念自我為主導。此法力量強大,塵世間無有能敵。在中華文化中,神身天被稱作福、大力神,佛教中稱作儒童,印度教作婆羅門,伊斯蘭教、基督教、和古埃及文化中作亞伯,日耳曼文化作馬格尼,墨西哥文化稱為靈龍。 Annotation 13.2.1-2, God-Body Sky is the physical perceptive state of the first meditation, similar to that of an infant or toddler before the age of three, where the mind is dominated by the along thought ego. The power of this law is great that there is no earthly match for it. In Chinese culture, God-Body Sky is called Fortune, aka. Great Strength God, Genius Children in Buddhism, Brahmin in Hinduism, Abel in Christianity Islam and Ancient Egyptian culture, Magni in Germanic culture, and Quetzalcoatl in Mexican culture. 注13.2.1-3,貪、嗔、痴沒有理性,卻能動行身體,故被稱作三位行屍大王。棄屍亦為此人已經拋棄了貪、嗔、痴。 Annotation 13.2.1-3, Greed, Irritation, and Ignorance are irrational, but they are capable of moving the body, so they are called the three zombie kings. Zombie Dumper means that the person has abandoned Greed, Irritation, and Ignorance. 注13.2.1-4,參見10.9節 三位一體。 Annotation 13.2.1-4, see Section 10.9 Godly Trinity. 注13.2.1-5,每組上帝三人組都創造出了書,故上帝三人組亦被稱作造書天,如劉員外、常公、和桃花女創造了《桃花劫》,參見本書的第2章;雷音、睚眥、和磨牙創造了《三千大千世界》,即第13章《苦諦》;宙斯、阿克泰翁、和戴安娜創造了《愛經》,即第14章《集地》;舍利王、墨西哥、和翠玉女創造了《墨西哥法典》,即第18章《太陽石》。 Annotation 13.2.1-5, each Godly Trinity created a book, so the Godly Trinity is also known as Creating Book Sky, e.g., Publican Liu, Constant Fair, and Peach Blossom Woman created the Peach Blossom Catastrophe, which is the Chapter 2 of this book; Thor, Tanngrisnir, and Tanngnjóstr created Three-Grand Great-Grand Worlds, which is the chapter 13 Bitter Crux; Zeus, Actaeon, and Diana created Cupid, which is the Chapter 14, Aggregate Crux; Huitzilopochtli, Mexico, and Chalchiuhtlicue created Mexican Codex, which is the chapter 18 The Sun Stone. 注13.2.1-6,四面佛,(如圖13.2.1-6)中的前三位佛是上帝三人組中的三個人,第四位佛是阿迷馱佛。 Annotation 13.2.1-6, The first three Buddhas of the Four Faces Buddha (fig. 13.2.1-6) are the three of God’s trinity, the fourth Buddha is A-Lost-Carrying-with Buddha. 注13.2.1-7,塵剎土世界參見14.1節《集起》。 Annotation 13.2.1-7, for the world of Dust Instant Soil, please refer to Section 14.1 "Aggregate Arousal". 注13.2.1-8,覺觀又名尋伺,所以在一禪中,有覺有觀定又名有尋有伺地,無覺唯觀定又名無尋唯伺地(如圖13.2.1-6)。 Annotation 13.2.1-8, perception and view are also known as seeking and awaiting, therefore, in first meditation, the having-perception having-view stillness is the having-perception having-view land; and the non-perception only-view stillness is non-seeking only awaiting land (see fig. 13.2.1-6). 注13.2.1-9, 四無量心,亦名四等,一)慈無量心,常求益事以利樂眾生;二)悲無量心,愍念眾生身受惑業苦的流轉之苦(參見11.4.4.2-15 節《流轉》);三)喜無量心,隨喜眾生之所樂;四)舍無量心,謂法施、財施、無畏施。此四法具有無窮的法力,故名四無量心。 Annotation 13.2.1-9, also known as four equalities, the four infinite hearts are: 1) infinite merciful heart is to please all sentient beings, often do benevolent affairs to prosperously benefit them; 2) infinite sorrowful heart is to sympathize all sentient beings’ bitter and unfortune for drifting in the vicious cycles of Muddle Karma and Bitterness (cf. Cycle); 4) Infinite delightful heart is to be happy along with all sentient beings’ laughable affairs; 4) infinite renunciative heart is to often donate laws (i.e., to teach the laws), to often donate assets, and to often donate fearlessness (i.e., using lovable speeches to encourage people bravely facing difficulties). The four hearts have inexhaustible powers, therefore are named as four infinite hearts. 注10,萬歲,約在公元1325年,古墨西哥的墨西哥(亦名特拉洛克)和翠玉女覺悟了。插圖13.2-1至-22是墨西哥畫的,圖中的大神天是他的妻子,是眾生之母,是翠玉女,是夏娃。因為翠玉女獲得了女神的身體,所以全世界以前的夏娃的智慧都可以在她的身上表現出來,再把劫歷轉換為太陽曆,她那時的慧命(即智慧生命)已經一萬多歲了。根據中國佛學會從許多金童玉女覺悟年齡的統計計算,翠玉女那時的肉體太陽曆年齡是約38.7歲。 Annotation 10, ten thousand years old, around 1325 CE, Mexico (also known as Tlaloc) and Chalchiuhtlicue in ancient Mexico became enlightened. Illustrations 13.2-1 to -22 were painted by Mexico. The Great God Sky in the picture 13.2.1-8 is his wife, Chalchiuhtlicue, the mother of all livings, or Eve. Because she obtained the body of goddess, the wisdom of Eve all over the world could be expressed in her body. Then converting the catastrophic calendar into the solar calendar, her gnostic age (i.e., intelligent life age) was already more than 10,000 years old at that time. According to the statistical calculation of the enlightenment age of many golden boys and girls by the Chinese Buddhist Association, the physical solar age of Chalchiuhtlicue at that time was about 38.7 years old. 13.2.2 光音天 Light Sound Sky定生喜樂地是色界的第二地,即二禪,謂此天已離初禪覺觀動散,攝心在定,澹然凝靜,而生勝定喜樂。住於此定,行者如從暗室中出,見日月光明,朗然洞徹也。內有喜故,外感水災所壞。光音天統領大千世界中的一小千世界,有三天:少光天、無量光天、和光音天。 “Stillness Producing Delight and Laugh Land” is the second land in the color boundary, is Second Meditation, saying that the sky is free from the dispersive moves of first meditation's perceptions and views, assimilates heart in stillness, tranquil and calm, and where delight and laugh are born from the victorious stillness. Dwelling in the stillness, migrator is like emerging from a dark room and seeing the light of the sun or the moon, swiftly understand all. Because of delight within, migrator feels water disaster damages from outside. The Light Sound Sky rules over a small thousand worlds (i.e., 1,000 Dust-Instant-Soil worlds) in the Three-Grand Great-Grand Worlds (i.e., a billion Dust-Instant-Soil worlds), and has three skies: Lesser Light Sky, Infinite Light Sky, and Light Sound Sky. 一)少光天,謂此天光明少故。不論人中天上,欲界初禪,但於無覺唯觀三昧。不住不着,專精求進,創得無覺無觀三昧,入第二禪,禪力未深,命終得生少光天中。從二禪去,乃至非想非非想定,一切皆名無覺無觀三昧,火災不到。身縱廣二由旬,壽二大劫。 1) Less Light Sky, which means that this sky has less light. Regardless of whether it is a human being, a sky being, or in first meditation of desire boundary, as long as one does not dwell in or attach to “Non-Perception Only-View Stillness”, diligently put effort to pursue advancement, creates “non-perception non-view stillness”, enters second meditation, meditative power is not deep, after end of life, is born in the Less Light Sky. From the second meditation to the “Neither Think nor Non-Think Stillness”, all are called “Non-Perception Non-View Stillness; fire disaster can not reach here. The body is two yojanas long and wide, lifespan is two catastrophes. 二)無量光天 謂此天光明增勝,無限量故。人中天上,數習第二禪力,命終得生此天。壽四大劫,身四由旬. 2) Infinite Light Sky, which means infinite amount of increasing light. In skies or among humans, practicing the second meditation again and again, after death, is born in the sky. Lifespan is four catastrophes, and body is yojanas long and wide. 三)光音天(注1),謂此天以光明為語音故。人中天上,深入第二禪力,兼修四無量心,命終得生此天。壽八大劫,身八由旬。 3) Light Sound Sky (1), which means that the skies use lights as lingual sounds. Among humans or in skies, practicing the second meditation and cultivating the four infinite hearts, after life is born in the sky. Lifespan is 8 catastrophes, and body is 8 yojanas long and wide. 註解13.2.2-1,光陰天亦作臆光天,是說意如同一支火炬(或探照燈),隨所觀照,觀照的對象就被染質了,變成了眾生。本文是從視覺幻覺來描述光陰天的,插圖13.2-7是從聽覺幻覺來描述光陰天的,那就是仙樂飄飄。 Annotation 13.2.2-1, The light sound sky is also called the Intentional Light Sky, which means that intent is like a torch (or searchlight), wherever observed, those objects are rendered with qualities, become sentients. This article describes light sound sky from the perspective of visual hallucinations. Illustrations 13.2-7 describes the light sound sky from the perspective of auditory hallucinations, that is, the godly music is fluttering. 13.2.3 三禪天 Third Meditation Sky離喜妙樂地是色界第三地,即三禪地。古人以煩惱為地,清淨為天,故禪定狀態即是地,又是天。此天已離二禪天喜之踴動,因攝心諦觀,泯然入定,而得勝妙之樂。行者住於此定,樂法增長,遍滿身中。內有樂故,外感風災所壞。三禪天統領大千世界中的一中千世界,即一百萬塵剎土國,有三天。 Leaving-Delight Wonderful-Laugh Land is the third land of Color Boundary, is Third Meditation Land. The ancients regarded annoyances as earth and quietness as sky, so the states of meditation are both lands and skies. This sky has left the delightful surges of second meditation, because of delicately assimilating heart in stillness, swiftly enters stillness, attains laughs of victorious wonders. As the migrator dwells in the stillness, law of laugh grows, and fills up the body. Due to the inner laughs, one feels being damaged by wind disasters externally. Third Meditation Sky governs one medium-thousand (i.e., a million) worlds among the Tree-Thousand Great-Thousand Worlds, has three skies. 一)少淨天,謂此天意識樂受清淨故。不論人中天上,但於二禪,不住不着,一心精進,創證第三禪者,命終即生此天。水災不到,身長十六由旬,壽十六大劫。 1) Maculate Sky, saying that because intent-sense of this sky enjoys immaculateness. Regardless of a human or a sky, only on second meditation, not to dwell and not to attach, a mind of refinement, whoever creates the third meditation, after life is in the sky. Water disaster can not reach here, body is 16 yojanas long and wide, lifespan is 16 catastrophes. 二)無量淨天,謂此天淨勝於前,不可量故。數修第三禪力,命終得生此天。身三十二由旬,壽三十二大劫。 2) Infinite Immaculate Sky, which means that this sky is more immaculate than the previous one, and the immaculateness is immeasurable. Again, and again practicing the third meditative power, after life one is reborn in this sky. Body is 32 yojanas and lifespan is 32 catastrophes. 三)遍淨天,謂此天樂受最勝,淨周遍故。深入第三禪力,兼修四無量心,命終得生此天。身六十四由旬,壽六十四大劫。 3) Omnipresent Immaculate Sky, which means that this sky is the most victorious in terms of laugh acceptance, because the immaculateness is all-pervasive. Deeply entering to third meditative power, and also cultivating the four infinite hearts, after life will be born in this sky. Body is 64 yojanas, lifespan is 64 catastrophes. 13.2.4 四禪天 Fourth Meditation Sky舍念清淨地是色界第四地,即四禪天,謂此天舍二禪之喜及三禪之樂,心無憎愛,一念平等,住於此定,空明寂靜,萬像皆現也,三災俱不能到。四禪有九天,主領三千大千世界。 Renunciation Spell-Immaculateness Land is the fourth land in the color boundary, that is the fourth meditation sky, saying that this sky has abandoned the delight of second meditation and laugh of third meditation, heart is free of hate and love, one spell of equality, dwelling in the stillness, empty bright and silent, all phenomena manifests; disasters of fire water and wind can not reach here. Four meditation sky includes nine skies, lordly leads three-thousand big-thousand worlds (i.e., a billion worlds). 一)無雲天,此天及以上,雲居輕薄,故名無雲。不論人中天上,初、二、三禪,但於三禪,不昧不着,一心精進,創證第四禪者,命終得生此天。果報微妙,宮殿隨身,並如雲之地,亦所不需。身廣縱一百二十五由旬,壽一百二十五大劫。 1) Cloudless Sky, this sky and above, the clouds are light and thin, hence the name of cloudless. Regardless of human, sky, the first, second and third meditation, as long as one does not conceive, and not attach to the third meditation, one-heart refinement, creation of the fourth meditation, the end of life to be born in this sky. The fruits are so marvelous, palaces are following the body, with lands like clouds are not needed. Body is 125 yojanas, lifespan is 125 catastrophes. 二)福生天,謂此天修勝福力,而生其中,從因得名。數修第四禪力,命終得生此天。身廣縱二百五十由旬,壽二百五十大劫。 2) Fortune Birth Sky, saying that the sky cultivates victorious fortune power, therefore is born in the sky, hence the name. Again, and again cultivating the fourth meditative power, after life is born in this sky. Body is 250 yojanas, and lifespan is 250 catastrophes. 三)廣果天,謂此天果報廣大,無能勝故。深入第四禪力,兼修四無量心,命終得生此天。身廣縱五百由旬,壽五百大劫。 3) Gigantic Fruit Sky, which means that the fruit recompenses of this sky are so vast that those can not be surpassed. Deeply entering into fourth meditative power and also cultivating the four infinite hearts, after life is born in the sky. Body is 500 yojanas, and lifespan is 500 catastrophes. 四)無想天,亦名長壽天,於人中天上,秉承邪說,厭患粗想,數數修習,依第四禪,滅除前六識、心、及心所有法,令不現行。心滅為首,故名無想定。初生半劫,猶有微想,作意入定,六識不行。共經四百九十九大劫,如其本時習定之相,不動不搖,無所分別。至後半劫,由種子力,想心復生,便從此沒,墮落欲界。 4) Thinking-less Sky, also known as Longevity Sky, among humans or skies, adhering to heretical doctrines, averse to rough thinkings, practises and cultivations, depending on fourth meditative power to terminate the first six senses, the heart, and laws belong to heart, having them not to present. It is the first to terminate thinkings, therefore the name of Thinking-less Stillness. In the first half of catastrophe, there is still the slightest thinkings, making intention to stillness, then the six senses do not migrate. Later during 499 catastrophes, the being is as immovable and non-discriminating as it was at the time of its birth. In the last half catastrophe, due to the power of seed, the thinking heart resurrects. The being disappears from here, falls down desire boundary. 五)無煩天,謂此天離欲界苦及色界樂,苦樂兩滅無煩惱故。身廣縱九千由旬,壽五千大劫。 5) Non-Annoyance Sky, which means that this sky is free from the bitter of desire boundary and laugh of color boundary, therefore neither bitter nor laugh, no annoyances at all. Body is 9,000 yojanas, and lifespan is 5,000 catastrophes. 注13.2.4-1,此天以及隨後四天名五淨居天,亦作五不還天。不還天是什麼意思?因為淨識害有,居於此天,益受增長,能得五沙門果中的不還果(參見15.2節)。 Annotation 13.2.4-1: This sky and the four following ones are called the Five Immaculate-Dwell Skies, also known as the Five No Return Skies. What is the meaning of the No Return? Because immaculate senses harm haves, and can let beneficial acceptance grow, so residing in these five skies can achieve the No Return fruit of the four shamanic fruits (cf. section 15.2). 六)無熱天,謂此天研究心境,無依無處,清涼自在,無熱惱故。身長一萬二千由旬,壽九千大劫。 6) Non-Fervidity Sky, saying that this sky studies the environment of heart, no reliant no place, is cool and self sufficient, no annoyance fervidity at all. Body is 12,000 yojanas, and lifespan is 9,000 catastrophes. 此天廣闊,多池多樹。有一大池名無熱,池的東西南北各有一條大河。一名大醒識河,二名大幻識河,三名大夢識河,四名大散識河。此四條大河貫通四大洲,與四海相連。樹林裡多有鳳凰,唯棲於樹的第三枝,以龍為食。各池中的龍多有鳳凰之災;唯無熱大池裡的龍無此禍患。若鳳凰想去無熱池獵龍,一想,它就死了。 The sky is vast, with many ponds and trees. There is a large pool named No Fervidity, of which east, north, west, and south, each direction, there is a great river. One is the great river of Wakeful Senses, second is the great river of Hallucination Senses, third is the great river of Dream Senses, and the fourth is great river of Loose Senses. These four rivers run through the four continents and are connected to the four seas. There are many phoenixes in the woods, but they only perch on the third branch of the trees and feed on dragons. Most of the dragons in each pool are subject to the disaster of the phoenix; only the dragon in the great No Fervidity Pool is free from such disaster. If a phoenix wants to hunt a dragon in the No Fervidity Pool, it will die as soon as it thinks about it. 七)善見天,謂此天妙見十方世界圓澄,無塵垢故。身廣縱一萬八千由旬,壽一萬二千大劫。 7) Excellent Sight Sky, saying that the sky can wonderfully see worlds in ten directions in perfect condensates, no dusts at all. Body is 18,000 yojanas, and lifespan is 12,000 catastrophes. 八)善現天,謂此天空無障礙,精見現前故。身長兩萬四千由旬,壽一萬四千大劫。 8) Benevolent Manifestation Sky, saying that this sky has no obstacle because essential views present at front. Body is 24,000 yojanas, and lifespan is 14,000 catastrophes. 九)色究竟天,謂此天於諸塵幾微之處研窮究竟故。身廣縱三萬六千由旬,壽一萬六千大劫。又色究竟中,有摩醯首螺,此作大自在天。 9) Color Finalization Sky, saying that this sky studies dusts to their extremes, has finalized them. Body is 36,000 yojanas, and lifespan is 16,000 catastrophes. Also, in the Color Finalization Sky, there is a “Mexi First-Conch Sky”, here, it is called Great Self-Sufficient Sky. 注13.2.4-2,摩醯首螺是什麼意思?摩醯首螺義為雙身佛,或雙身神,即阿彌陀佛(如圖13.2.4-2)。首螺代表已經成佛,成為了某個民族或宗教的始祖母的玉女。摩醯,如圖13.2-15所示,是神父綁在金童和玉女(即亞當和夏娃)腳踝上的那根紅線(如圖13.2.4-2),是經,所以能代表成佛後的金童。本章13.1.6節《魔身天》列出了多對兒金童玉女,即亞當夏娃;他們在圓房後都有著作流傳後世,因此都是大自在天。 Annotation 13.2.4-2, What is the meaning of “Mexi First-Conch”? It is the Two-Body Buddha, or Two-Body God, is Ometeotl (as shown in Figure 13.2.4-2). The First Conch represents the Jade Girl who has become a Buddha, the primogenitor of a nationality or religion. The Mexi, shown in Figure 13.2-15, is the red thread (see fig. 13.2.4-2) that Their Godfather tied around the ankles of the gold-boy and jade-girl which are also known as Adam and Eve, the sutra, and so represents the gold-boy who have become a Buddha. Section 13.1.6 of this chapter, "Demon Body Sky” lists multiple pairs of gold-boy and jade-girl; all of them have book passed down after their consummation, therefore all of them are the Great Self-Sufficient Skies. ↪️返回第13章《苦諦》的目錄↪️Back to Catalog of Chapter 13 Bitter Crux |
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