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13.3 无色界 Colorless Boundary
送交者: 卢岩 2024年01月03日13:53:44 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话


There are four skies in the Colorless Boundary, also known as Four Philosopher-Stone Intelligences. In the saying of “Three Boundaries Nine Lands”, these four skies are also called the Four Places or Four Lands.


1) Edgeless Empty Place Sky (1), saying that this sky was satiated with bondages of color body, felt not self-sufficient, so with heart to aggregate empty, and matched with empty, therefore dwelling in the empty place stillness. Regardless of among humans, among skies, or in the first, second, third, or fourth meditation, except for the Thinking-less Sky and the Five No Return Skies, all practitioners of empty stillness, if he or she achieves it, then after-life is born in this sky. Since no color node, should not say that there is location or house. There is only the delicate sixth sense (i.e., consciousness), and the objective is edgeless empty which is its place. Lifespan is 21,000 catastrophes.

13.3 无色界 Colorless Boundary 2.jpg 

13.3-1,此天的空是无意识(古作神识)默认的空色,例如远处天和地交界处的灰色,那不是日常的灰色,而是无意识用自己默认的灰色来区分天和地的。那么图4中,为什么 “翠玉女惊讶地看着玉米棒子” 可以表现 空无边处?这要说说翠玉女是个什么人。

Annotation 13.3-1, the emptiness of this sky is the default color of emptiness of the unconscious (anciently known as God-sense), for example, the gray color at the junction of the sky and the earth in the distance, that is not daily life gray, but the unconscious uses its own default gray color to distinguish between the sky and the earth. So why, in Figure 4, can "Chalchiuhtlicue amazes at the cornstalks" show the Edgeless Empty Place? It has to say something about what Chalchiuhtlicue is.


The eagle or phoenix on the Mexican flag represents Chalchiuhtlicue, whose portraits are shown in illustrations 35 through 44. Figure 35 indicates that she grew up in an isolated, centralized training camp. Figure 36 indicates that as a young girl, she knew that she was a Mexi (a Mose among Moses in Bible), the material from which the thread at the right end of Figure 15 was made, but she knew nothing about juristic treasures and godly eyes, etc., and her mind was filled with perplexity. Figure 37 shows that as a teenager Chalchiuhtlicue was so strong that she could kill a bison with her bare hands and carry it back to camp.

3839显示翠玉女自愿为再造太阳神献出生命。图404125-39岁的翠玉女,她的大脑像似天线棒,表示她是文字思维型人,即语音思维型人,是一位行天。图42是和墨西哥结婚后的翠玉女,已经成为了众生之母,是《墨西哥法典》的总编。图43中,翠玉女头顶的是《墨西哥法典》。法典中,她展现出了文学才华,出口成章,语言如从天降(如图44)。书中最杰出的部分之一是《到达方舟》,古墨西哥人是用玉米棒子来表示的,即意思食(参见11.5节《 四食谛》)。

Figures 38 and 39 show Chalchiuhtlicue volunteering her life to recreate the Sun God. Figures 40 and 41 show the 25–39-year-old Chalchiuhtlicue, whose brain resembles an antennae bar, indicating that she is a Word Thinking Pattern person, i.e., Lingual Thinking person, is a Migration Sky. Figure 42 is Chalchiuhtlicue after her marriage to Mexico, having become the mother of all livings, the chief editor of Mexican Codex, which is at top of her head in Figure 43. In the Codex, she showed her literary talent, and her articles were written as if they were falling from the sky (Figure 44). One of the most outstanding parts of Mexican Codex is the "Arrival Ark”, which the ancient Mexicans represented by “corn on the cob” (fig. 45; see Section 11.5 Four Foods Crux), is Mana.

《到达方舟》中所运用的最主要心理学原理就是 “净识害有” ,翠玉女总是运用 “空识” 来清洗(即洗礼、割礼)读者的身心。这就如同说翠玉女是在 “空无边处天” 造出《到达方舟》的,所以古墨西哥人用 “她惊讶地看着玉米棒子” 来表示 “空无边处天”

The main psychological principle used in Arrival Ark is that "Immaculate senses harm haves”. Chalchiuhtlicue always uses "empty senses" to cleanse (i.e., to baptize, to circumcise, to mind-wash) readers' bodies and minds. This is like saying that she created the "Arrival Ark" in the "Edgeless Empty Place Sky ", so the ancient Mexicans used "Chalchiuhtlicue amazes at the corn cob" to mean the "Edgeless Empty Place Sky ".


2) Edgeless Senses Place Sky, saying that the sky was bored with Edgeless Empty, so abandoned vague empty, turned heart to aggregate senses, therefore by Edgeless Senses as place. Regardless of desire boundary, color boundary, or empty place, as long as cultivated the Senses Place Stillness, after-life is born in this sky. Only the subtle sixth sense, those objectives are edgeless heart senses, which are the place. Lifespan is 42,000 catastrophes.


3) No Objective Have Place Sky, saying that this sky surfeited Edgeless Senses Place, so abandoned Senses Place, enters No Objective Have Place; it is said that because he or she does not use the Empty Place and Senses Place. Regardless of the desire boundary, color boundary, empty place, or senses place, as long as successfully cultivates the No Objective Have Place, at end of one’s life, will be born in this sky. Only with little sixth sense, the objective is environment of neither empty nor colorless, which is its place, is king among Samadhis (2), namely Ho-Ho-Ho (i.e., sounds of laugh). Lifespan is 63,000 catastrophes.


Annotation 13.3-2, Samadhi is a Sanskrit word, and its Chinese meaning is Correct Stillness, such as the 18 skies in color boundary, and 4 skies in colorless boundary, are 22 samadhis, are 22 kinds of correct stillness.


4) Neither Thinking nor Thinking-less Place Sky, saying that this sky is at the top of the colorless boundary, neither thinking-less of “No Objective Have Place” nor thinkings of “Edgeless Senses Place”. Only with the extremely subtle sixth sense, those objectives are environment of neither have nor none, which is its place. Regardless of the desire boundary, color boundary, empty place, senses place, or no objective have place, as long as one achieves the Neither Thinking nor Thinking-less Place Stillness, after-life is reborn in this sky. With a lifespan of 63,000 catastrophes, the sky dwells at top of Three Haves (3), no further to go.


Annotation 13.3-3, having memories or having habits is named haves; cause and effect are not forgotten as have. Three Haves, mean that section 13.1 Desire Boundary, section 13.2 Color Boundary, and this section of Colorless Boundary are three haves, because everyone has the three.

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1 婵炴垶鎸哥粔纾嬨亹閺屻儱绠甸煫鍥ㄨ壘閻楁岸鏌i妸銉ヮ仼缂佸崬澧庢禍姝岀疀濞戞碍瀚ч梺鎸庣⊕閸濆酣鍩€椤掆偓閿曘劑濡堕崹顔衡偓鎺戭潰瀹€濠傛暪闂侀潧妫楅鍛暜閿燂拷 闁诲繒鍋為悷锕傚几閸愵喖浼犻柨鐕傛嫹
2 濠殿喗蓱閸ㄥ灝螞閸ф鏋侀柛娑卞墰閻ㄦ垿鏌ㄥ☉娆愮殤闁轰浇娅i埀顒佺⊕閸旀洟鎸呴崟顖氱;婵﹩鍘搁崣娲煥濞戞ḿ鐒搁柛鐔奉儔瀵爼濡烽妸鈺冨彁婵炴垶鎼幏锟� 闂佸憡鍨崐娑㈠垂閼哥數鈻曟繝闈涙礌閸欙拷
3 婵☆偓缍嗛崜娆撳Φ婢跺鍋i柣鏃傚劋閺嗐垹螖閻橆喖濡介柡瀣暞缁嬪﹪鏁冮埀顒勫疮閹炬壙鎺戔槈濞嗘帗娅欐繛鎴炴尰缁繘鎯侀懠顒佸珰鐎广儱瀚惁鍫澪涢敐蹇斿 缂備浇浜慨楣冨垂閿燂拷
4 闂佺厧鍢查幖顐㈢暦閿熺姴绠ラ柟顖嗗懏鐦撴繝娈垮枟閸旀﹢鎮欓幎宄�5117闂佺懓鐡ㄩ悧鐐烘倷閿燂拷02886#闂佽鍓ㄩ幏锟� 闁诲孩鍐绘俊鍥极閹剧繝绻嗙痪顓炴噽椤╃帪k
5 闂佸憡绋忛崝搴∏庨鈧幊锟犲煛閸愨晝鏆犳慨鎺撶☉鐎氼剟鎮″澶婄婵炴垶鐟ф晶锟犳煥濞戞瑧鐓紒妤€鐭傚绋课旈埀顒佹叏濠婂牆瑙﹂悘鐐佃檸閺€浠嬫煟椤帗瀚� 婵犮垹婀遍幊鎾澄i崼銉ョ闁惧繒鎳撻。锟�
6 闂佽В鍋撴い鎺戝€归鏇炩槈閺傛鍎戦悽顖氭喘閹虫骞忕仦鑺ュ€涢梺璋庡啯婀版俊顐弮瀵敻鎮㈤崗鑲╊槺闂佽皫鍡椾汗鐎电増鎹囬弫宥呯暆閸曨偅娈搁梺娲绘緛閹凤拷 congrongli
7 閻庡厜鍋撳ù锝堫潐濮圭偞顨ラ悙瀛樼稇闁告鍥у珘闁逞屽墮閳规垿鍩€椤掑嫬绠氶柛娑卞灡閻e崬鈽夐弬鍝勫⒉婵炵》鎷� 闂佸憡鐗楅〃鍡涙倵椤掑嫭鈷栨い蹇撴嫅闊拷
8 闂佸憡绻傞悧鍛礊閹惧顩烽幖娣€栫€氳鎱ㄩ悷鏉库偓璇诧耿閿熺姵鍋犻柛鈽嗗幘缁€澶愭煕閹烘柨顣奸悽顖氱秺閺屻劑鍩€椤掑嫬绀傛繝濠傚暞閺嗘盯鏌ゆ總澶夌盎缂佷紮鎷� hechun
9 闂佺懓鐡ㄩ崹鍫曟儉閸涙潙鐭楅柛灞捐壘椤綁寮堕埡浣瑰闁伙妇鍎ょ粙澶屾嫚閼艰泛骞€闂佹眹鍔岀€氼垶骞忛悜钘夌畺闂傚倸顕粣妤呮煏閸℃鈧摜鏁锕€绾ч柨鐕傛嫹 闁诲繒鍋為悷锕傚几閸愵喖浼犻柨鐕傛嫹
10 闂佸憡鐟ラ張顒勬倶閸曨剛闄勯柛銉厛閺€宕囨喐閻楀牊绀堟い鎴濇处缁嬪寰勯幇顒€濮ゆ繛鎴炴煥椤戝懐绮e☉娆樻付闁哄啫娲ㄧ粻楣冩煟濠婂骸鐏℃い銏犵Ч閺佸秹鏁撻敓锟� bafeng1202
1 闁荤姵鍔戦崕瀵糕偓璇″亰瀵劑宕归鍓ф晨闂佹眹鍔岀€氼剟顢氶鐣屸枖妞ゆ挾鍋炵粋鍥╃磼婢跺鐏﹀┑鈯欏洤绠f俊顖氱殱閸嬫挸饪伴崘顏呯槗闂傚倸瀚ㄩ崹浠嬫偟閿燂拷 a闂佺厧顨庢禍鐐哄极鏉堛劎顩查柨鐕傛嫹
2 闂佸憡鐟ф晶妤呭椽閺囩喎绶炵憸鏃堝焵椤掆偓椤р偓缂佽鲸绻堝畷鐘诲川椤撶姵鎲ら梺鍝勫閸ㄧ數娆㈤鐘亾鐟欏嫬鍔剁紒缁樻礋瀵即顢涘┑濞惧亾閻e备鍋撻惂鍛婂? suoliweng
3 闁诲骸婀遍崑娑欐叏韫囨稑绀冮柛鎰皺閺嗕即鏌涢敃鍌ゆ殥缂傚秴鎳橀弫宥嗘媴閻ゎ垰骞€缂傚倸娲ゆ鍝ョ礄鏉堛劎鈻旂€广儱鎳庨悡鍌氣槈閹绢垰浜炬繛鎴炴惄娴滄粓鏁嶉敓锟� a闂佺厧顨庢禍鐐哄极鏉堛劎顩查柨鐕傛嫹
4 婵炴垶鎼╅崢濂稿矗閳╁啰鈻旂€广儱鎳庣敮鎺楁偣娴e懙纭呫亹閺夋埊鑰块柛鎾楀喚浠剧紓浣规煥椤戝棗危閹间焦鍤婃い蹇撴噹椤e鏌涢姀鈩冪稇闁告瑱鎷� suoliweng
5 婵炴垶鎼╅崢鐓幟瑰Δ浣侯洸闁惧繗顫夐悾閬嶆煠婵傚绨婚柟鏂ュ墲缁嬪顓奸崨顓燁吋婵炴垶鎸稿锕傚Χ閸ф妫橀柛锔诲幗閻i亶鏌ゆ總澶夌胺濞存粍甯楃粙澶愭晸閿燂拷 hechun
6 闁诲孩绋掗悷銉ョ暦閵夛妇鐝舵い鎰╁灪缁€鈧梺鎼炲劜閸ㄦ繄绮婚敐澶婄闁硅揪缍嗗ḿ锟�---闂佽 鍋撴い鏍ㄧ☉閻︻噣鎮楀☉娆戞噮闁轰胶鏁搁幏鐘绘晸閿燂拷 缂備礁顦鍛償閿燂拷11
7 21婵炴垶鎸婚悧婊堟焽椤栫偛妫橀柣妤€鐗婇弶锟�21st Century New Dea haxesn_001
8 闂佹眹鍎遍幊搴f鏉堛劎鈻旂€广儱鐗呭锕傛煏閸℃鈧綊鍩€椤掍胶鐭嬮柛瀣殕缁嬪鍩€椤掍胶鈻旈悗锝冨妷閸嬫捇鏁撻敓锟� pifu01
9 闂佸憡鍨崐鏇㈠吹閵忋倕纭€妞ゆ劑鍎哄ḿ鎺戭渻鐎n亞鍑圭紒顭戝灣閳ь剛鏁搁、濠囨儊娴犲鐏虫繝濠傚椤庢粓鏌i姀鈩冪凡妞ゆ洦鍠氶幏鐘测攽閸╂寧娲熷畷姘舵晸閿燂拷 闂備礁寮堕崹璺何涢妶澶婂強闁跨噦鎷�
10 闂佸憡甯楁灙闁轰緤鎷�, Wei Liu: 婵炴垶鎼╅崢濂稿矗閳╁啫绶為柛婵嗗缁插潡鎮峰Δ鈧悘婵嗙暦閿熺姴鎹堕柨鐕傛嫹 闂佸搫鎷嬮崳锝夊焵椤掍焦鐨戞繛鍛妽閹便劑鏁撻敓锟�12
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闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閻戣姤鍤勯柤鍝ユ暩娴犳氨绱撻崒娆掑厡缂侇噮鍨跺畷婵嗏枎韫囨洘娈鹃梺闈涚箞閸婃洟宕橀埀顒€顪冮妶鍡楀闁稿骸宕惃顒€鈹戦敍鍕杭闁稿﹥鐗滈弫顕€骞掗弬鍝勪壕婵ḿ鍘ф晶浼存煃瑜滈崜姘舵嚌妤e叝鍥ㄥ閺夋嚦锕傛煕閺囥劌鐏犵紒鐘冲▕閺岀喓鈧稒岣挎俊鍥煕鐎n偅宕岀€殿喗濯界粻娑氣偓锝傛櫆閻繘姊绘担鑺ョ《闁革綇绠撻獮蹇涙晸閿燂拷 | 婵犵數濮撮惀澶愬级鎼存挸浜炬俊銈勭劍閸欏繘鏌i幋锝嗩棄缁惧墽绮换娑㈠箣濞嗗繒浠鹃梺绋匡龚閸╂牜鎹㈠┑瀣棃婵炴垵宕崜鎵磽娴e搫啸闁哥姵鐗犲濠氬Ω閳哄倸浜滈梺鍛婄箓鐎氬懘濮€閵堝棗鈧灚鎱ㄥ鍡楀⒒婵″弶妞介弻宥堫檨闁告挻鐟х划璇差吋婢跺﹦锛熼梻渚囧墮缁夊绮婚悩璇茬闁圭⒈鍘鹃崢婊呯磽瀹ュ棛澧甸柡灞诲姂閹倝宕掑☉姗嗕紦 | 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹瀹勬噴褰掑炊閵娧呭骄闂佸壊鍋嗛崰鍡樼閸垻纾奸悗锝庡亽閸庛儲绻涢崗鑲╁ⅹ闁宠鍨块幃鈺佺暦閸ヨ埖娈归梻浣虹帛鐢紕绮婚弽顓炶摕闁绘棁娅g壕濂告煏韫囨洖校闁诲繐鐗忕槐鎾存媴閸濆嫷鈧挾绱撳鍕獢鐎殿喖顭烽幃銏㈡偘閳ュ厖澹曞┑鐐村灦閻燂紕绱撳鑸电厽妞ゆ挾鍎愰崕鎴犵磼鏉堛劌娴い銏″哺瀹曞崬螣娓氼垯绱� | 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹妞嬪海鐭嗗ù锝堟缁€濠傗攽閻樺弶鎼愮紓浣叉櫊瀵爼宕煎顓熺彇闂佹椿鍘介悷鈺呭蓟閳ユ剚鍚嬮柛鎰╁妼椤顪冮妶鍌涙珖闁稿繑锕㈠濠氭偄閸忕厧鈧粯淇婇婵愬殭闁哄棙顨婂鍝勭暦閸ャ劌娈岀紓浣割槸缂嶅﹤顕g拠宸悑濠㈣泛锕﹂崢鍛婄箾鏉堝墽鍒伴柟娴嬧偓鏂ユ灁闁靛ě鍛紳婵炶揪绲块幊鎾诲极妤e啯鐓欓柛鎴欏€栫€氾拷 | 缂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾惧綊鏌熼梻瀵割槮闁汇値鍠楅妵鍕冀椤愵澀绮堕梺鎼炲妼閸婂骞夐幖浣瑰亱闁割偅绻勯悷鏌ユ⒑缁嬫鍎戦柛鐘冲姍婵$敻宕熼姘敤闂侀潧枪閸庡搫螞濠婂牊鈷戠紒瀣儥閸庢劙鏌熺粙娆剧吋妤犵偛绻樺畷銊╁级閹寸媭妲版俊鐐€ら崢浠嬪垂閸泙澶婎吋婢跺鎷绘繛杈剧秬濞咃綁濡存繝鍥ㄧ厸闁告粈妞掗柇顖涱殽閻愯尙绠婚柡浣规崌閺佹捇鏁撻敓锟� | 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾惧綊鏌熼梻瀵割槮缂佺姷濞€閻擃偊宕堕妸褉妲堢紓浣插亾濠㈣泛顑勭换鍡涙煏閸繃鍣洪悗姘噽缁辨挸顓奸崱娆忊拰闂佸搫鏈惄顖炲春閸曨垰绀冮柨娑樺缁愭姊绘担鍝ワ紞闁硅櫕鎸剧划鏃堟偨閸偄搴婂┑鐘绘涧椤戝棝藟閸喓绠鹃柟瀵稿仧閹冲嫰鏌熼鐣屾噰闁诡喛娉涢~婵嬫倷椤掆偓椤忥拷

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