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送交者: 定理 2009月03月26日22:40:34 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 仅下面中英经文,告诉我预备日是星期四还是星期五ffwb 于 2009-03-26 21:57:37
正如你所引的《马可》所言:‘Preparation Day (that is, the day before the Sabbath)’,印证了敝帖所说的马可的时间,即耶稣死于星期五。

the preparation day for the sabbath is NOT the preparation day for the passover.

the preparation day for the sabbath is Friday, to prepare the meals for Saturday (which starts at the nightfall of the Friday in our calendar).

the preparation day for passover is Thursday, to prepare the passover meal (which will take place after the nightfall of the thursday in our calendar).

in Mark, Jesus died on the preparation day for the sabbath.

in John, Jesus died on the preparation day for the passover.
  再说一次是prep.OFthePassover不是 FOR /无内容 - ffwb 03/27/09 (208)
    希腊文冠词tou是所有格,"of the"  /无内容 - ffwb 03/27/09 (245)
      FOR为逾越节而预备,OF 不是这样  /无内容 - ffwb 03/27/09 (224)
        参考利未记23章,犹太人的节期,预备一周无酵节  /无内容 - ffwb 03/27/09 (151)
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