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I feel the same way
送交者: vf 2009月04月09日09:00:01 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 今天或最近,是最后一批熊熊牺牲的时候吧?6degrees 于 2009-04-09 07:50:40
After that 500+ points jump, it has been like 2 weeks that DOW can not pass 8000. Up and down around. So for me this is a short term head area. As I said, if banks are ok (from accounting point of view), then we probably won't see the panic selling. But the US economy is really not that good neither. I don't believe it will recover by the end of year at all. So I guess, it will be hanging here between 7500-8000 for a while. Then I still feel it will head south when the unemployment is over 10%, which seems to be very likely in this year.

No more buying at this leve, but I don't do short neither.
  可能见不到6500了 - TNNDQ 04/09/09 (464)
    你们俩说的都有可能啊。  /无内容 - 6degrees 04/09/09 (368)
      短线为主,快进快出,恭喜发财  /无内容 - TNNDQ 04/09/09 (316)
        day-trade? - 6degrees 04/09/09 (336)
          不一定是当天 - TNNDQ 04/09/09 (441)
            混混牛啊。 - 6degrees 04/09/09 (327)
              你的收入高 - TNNDQ 04/09/09 (317)
                过奖了,俺混饭吃而已,很不好意思。 - 6degrees 04/10/09 (283)
            HH怎么看银行股? - Cocoa 04/09/09 (245)
              我觉得现在还是短线最好 - TNNDQ 04/09/09 (227)
            Li Hai! Will TAO JIAO later.  /无内容 - vf 04/09/09 (261)
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