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送交者: 淡紫 2020年04月27日20:31:41 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話

During a Sunday interview on CNN, host Jake Tapper asked Pelosi if she agreed with Trump's decisions related to the ban.

"Tens of thousands of people were still allowed in from China. So it wasn’t, as it is described, as this great moment. There were Americans coming back or green card holders coming back. But there were tens of thousands," the California Democrat replied. She continued, "So, if you’re going to shut the door because you have an evaluation of an epidemic, then shut the door."

  這比中共對中國籍海外華人還狠  /無內容 - 淡紫 04/27/20 (60)
  鏈接: - 淡紫 04/27/20 (41)
    說民主黨對華人好,不搞種族歧視的,請來洗地。呵呵  /無內容 - 淡紫 04/27/20 (35)
        美國的病毒是歐洲傳入的。她怎麼不這麼說歐洲人?還是欺負亞裔唄  /無內容 - 淡紫 04/27/20 (49)
          我覺得就算有病毒,本國人也得讓他們回來,不然就和中共一樣無恥  /無內容 - 淡紫 04/27/20 (38)
            綠卡不是美國人,總不能因為人道外國人,而讓本國人受難。  /無內容 - 毛左 04/27/20 (34)
              好吧,綠卡除外  /無內容 - 淡紫 04/27/20 (30)
                現在的問題是就是無恥到底也擋不住病毒 呵呵 - gooddday 04/27/20 (70)
                  竟然相信中共國說的話,所以意大利死亡率高得驚人  /無內容 - 淡紫 04/28/20 (41)
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