一位清華人的話(情緒激動者免進) |
送交者: cici930 2006年08月12日11:14:09 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話 |
一位清華人的話(情緒激動者免進) 老蔣和蔣太之間的家物事,外人是無法一一細明的,但蔣太在老蔣去世後的言談舉止,卻有意無意間透露不少她的作風為人。她的那些做法,老蔣的父母(培養出一個如此品格善良為人正直的兒子的兩位老人)會怎麼想的呢?除了金錢之外(蔣家在短短3個星期便收到10萬加幣的捐款),我想蔣家的兩個孩子在他們成長當中,更需要有一個處事沉穩,大度寬厚,正直善良的老蔣教導他們應該如何為人處世。 另:無意中看到一位清華人的評論,曾經考慮過要不要轉帖過來,因為其風格有點率性而為,措辭用字略嫌大膽過激及中英文夾雜(本人比較支持冷靜而理性的討論),但只要細心看看,還是可以看出一些東東的。不過呢,持有不同觀點兼情緒激動者,為其健康着想,最好還是不要看下去了。 http://www.comefromchina.com/newbbs/showthread.php?s=&forumid=1068&threadid=491113 There are three things I'd like to ask you: 1."蔣老師是一個典型的理想主義者" - Do you think that Jiang wanted the whole world to know about his suicide? If he knew that his wife would take the chance of his death to beg the whole world for money, would he kill himself?? Is there any need for Lu to let the whole world know about Jiang's death beside to get money??? If Lu really respect and love Jiang, should she save his face after his death???? 2."當時盧姐已移民去加拿大,見老蔣遲遲不來加拿大,就辭去工作準備回國。這時老蔣已改變主意想去加拿大,自己買好機票後才打電話告訴盧姐去多倫多機場接他。這樣,他們一家又才在加拿大團聚." Everyone knows that Jiang did not want to come to Canada at first and distroyed his immigration paper. When he finally decided to come, his wife had to go to the Immigration Offcie to get a new immigration paper for him. Now what you are saying is totally not true. Jiang could not came to Canada without letting his wife know because he did not have the immigration paper. "說實話,我這段時間心情一直非常沉重。在飛往多倫多之前,我心中一直對盧姐隱隱有些不滿,覺得蔣老師的死與她應該有很大關係,如果她不堅持來加拿大而跟老蔣回國,老蔣可能不會走上這條不歸路。這兩天我的所見所聞所感讓我得知蔣老師之死的根本原因並非盧姐,而是多年內心精神世界的孤獨感和長時間在加拿大無法讓他發揮專長而鬱積的抑鬱症。網上有很多人無端地造謠中傷或橫加指責,將老蔣的死因歸罪於盧姐固執地呆在加拿大而不願意回國或老蔣自己的自私和不負責任。所以,作為老蔣曾經的學生,我覺得自己有必要站出來,澄清一下事實的真相,反擊那些潑向老蔣和盧姐的污水。"The example above can prove that Lu is lying to you. As many people said, Lu is a very special and capable woman. She can totally wash your brain in two days. What facts do you have to support you 100% belive in what Lu said to you? 3. This afternoon, I was talking to a friend about Jiang's death. She told me that several weeks ago, in Toronto, there was a highly educated Chinese killed himself because of losing job. His new born baby girl was only three months old. Now his wife is selling the house and car because of the financial difficulty. Nobody knows about it except sveral close friends. Compare with this wife, what can you say about Lu? Lu made the whole China know about Jiang's death in order to get money, how much this will hurt Jiang's parents? Have you ever thinked about Jiang's parents? Do they want the whole world know about Jiang's death? Lu have successfully washed your brain. Lu is taking the chance of her husband's death to try to collect enough money for her life time, and you are acting as her gun man. You ask people to donate to Lu's little daughter's education. Then how about the other man I just mentioned? His daughter is even younger then Lu's one. And how about the other Tsinghua alumnis who died in car accidents last year in Toronto and in USA? They all have small children. Shall we donate to all of them? Will you donate to all of them? Otherwise it is not fair. Why Lu deserve more money than other wives? As the mother, does Lu have the resposibility of raising her own children? Why the whole socity should pay for her children's education? There are so many children lost their father/mother each day, will you donate to all of them? Lu is such a cold blooded woman and caculating each step for her own best interest, you have been totally brain washed by her and now is used by her as a money collecting tool. You are acting like a fool! Where is you logic and brain, 清華人? I am from Tsinghua and been in the Tsinghua Alumni Association for 10 years. "如果你們覺得我的有些話不對,別罵我,就當沒有看到這篇文章。" First Lu blamed Canadina government for Jiang's death, and people bought it for several days. Now people do not think that way any more. So now Lu started to Blame Tsinghua for Jiang's death. Seems that you are really buying it. Do you still remember that you are a 清華人? When a cold blood 村姑 往清華臉上摸黑, 你就緊跟着大喊. In your de????ion, 清華核能研究院is not a normal place to work at all. That's totally not true. I have work relations with people work at there. 清華核能研究院is just like any other institute in the world, there are diferrent type of people. There is no place in the whole world that will fit Jiang perfectly! Remember, 清華核能研究院 is where the Rising star of Chinese high tech copany Nuctech (同方微視) comes from!! Nuctech has 70% world market share and 2Billion in annual sales and international sales accounted for over 60% of revenue. How blindly can you be to say those untrue lies regarding this great institution. It's the pride of Chinese scholars and hi-tech people!! Don't defume top Chinese scholars for the unethical gains of a 村姑!!!! Since Tsinghua has no weight in your heart at all, please do not mention Tsinghua in your article in the future. We do not want to have anything to do with you. Lu in order to escape from her responsibility in Jiang's death, She blames Canadian Government, Tsinghua University and even Israeli Government. It's totally BS and nonsense. You even buy her BS and believed in this ????. How did you get into and graduated from Tsinghua with this IQ level?? I had always thought people from Building #13 in Tsinhgua East Campus were wired. You seems to confirm this sterotype again. |
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