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送交者: 定理 2010年06月03日08:16:15 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話


Jun 01, 2010 10:37pm EDT

It is unproductive to debate the technical details such as whether the Israeli soldiers really had to open fire or whether the blockade was legitimate at all. The fundamental reason for all such bloodshed, which has lasted for more than a decade even in front of our TV cameras, is that Israel has been set up as a state for only one race and only one religion – Jewish and Judaism. A Jewish state, Israel has no other option than oppressing the majority, non-Jewish, living in the same region. That not only brings tremendous hardship to the Palestinians and other Arabs, but also keeps Israel in constant danger as it is surrounded by the majority disfranchised by the state.

Thus, while the blockade and other security measures taken by Israel might be arguably technically justifiable to some people, such practices are fundamentally morally wrong and also terribly unwise for even the narrowly ethnically defined Israel.

The solution is simple – turn Israel from a Jewish state into a normal democracy where race, religion and state are mutually separated. There is no other sustainable solution. Given the demography in the region, the Jewish cannot sustain a dominant position for long in any event – unless they go down to the Nazi route of ethnic cleansing, which I, with all my faith on humanities, very much wish not to happen.

theorem Report As Abusive
Jun 01, 2010 10:58pm EDT

THEOREM israel is a tiny little country. Muslims have 57 countries. You say Israel is racist huh. In saudia Arabia if you convert to christianity you are executed. What do you call that???? In Turkey christianaty could not be taught. In Darfur 400 thousand are murdered and ALL peace loving muslims block any and all inquiries.

WATS091 I suggest you become a woman and move to saudia Arabia and then you may better appreciate Israel.

JusticToAll Report As Abusive
Jun 02, 2010 12:16am EDT

The difference, “JusticToAll”, is that Israel wishes to be respected as a civilized country that abides by international law in dealing with its enemies and threats to its security. The belligerents responsible for Darfur make no such claims as to their respectability.

The Egypt-Gaza border is closed due to Hamas being in control of the area; Egypt feels that to open the border it would diminish the authority of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, and possibly lead to further sanctions against the Palestinians and perhaps even armed conflict with Israel.

Inspection by the Israelis would mean confiscation of cement, steel, and other construction materials desperately needed by Gazans to rebuild the structures that the Israelis kindly blew up for them over the past 3 years. It would also mean confiscation of canned goods (could be melted down to make ammunition) along with various other items like paper, coffee, chocolate, etc.

On the contrary, we will not be fooled by YOUR propaganda.

sudpralad Report As Abusive


Jun 02, 2010 4:53am EDT

It’s really amazing to see how Isreal can twist the truth everytime it commits terrorism actions against defensless people, no matter what the world will say, still they claim it as a self-defense!

Ayman99 Report As Abusive

Jun 02, 2010 7:07am EDT

İsrael have a bully government.Thats not mean all İsrael people Badman. But İsrael soldiers killing innocent people not terrorists.. USA have to say something hard. USA feeding İsrael with own citizen money.I’m not wrong with İsrael people.. But İsrael government? yes i have… We dont want war anywhere on the world(Turkey).. We want to some peace..

snakeqeen Report As Abusive

Jun 02, 2010 7:47am EDT

I find it quite funny that there is so much blatant ignorance here. The fact of the matter is that these ships were trying to break an international blockade. This was not cold blooded killing as CATHINGR puts it. The ships knew they would be boarded and those on board chose to attack the soldiers. So much for the ‘peaceful resistance’ they claimed. They got the international incident they were hoping for. If they were really interested in helping the people of Gaza as they claim then they would have allowed the shipments to be inspected by Egypt. The so called activists could care less about the ’suffering of the people of Gaza’. They don’t have any interest in peace either. If they did then as part of their aim, they would be pressuring Hamas to stop using TERRORISM to attack innocent citizens in Israel and they would PUSH FOR PEACE. Their main aim is to delegitimize Israel, which is what all that the claims of apartheid, Nazis, barbaric etc. hope to achieve.

THEOREM, you are right that Israel is a Jewish state, much like the US is a Christian state and most of Europe is made up of Catholic states, Turkey is Muslim state, so are Iran and Egypt and Libya and Jordan and Syria…. I don’t see what pointing that out has to do with anything. It is not constructive. Especially since Israel is the only country in the Middle East that is a democracy and allows freedom of speech and religion. In Israel, Palestinians hold citizenship, are allowed to vote AND EVEN SERVE ON THE KNESSET (parliament). It is not an apartheid state as so many like to claim (in South Africa non-whites did not have any rights nor were they allowed to vote or hold office). Non citizens have fewer rights than citizens, but Palestinians were given the opportunity for Israeli citizenship, which many chose not to accept. You would not expect a non-citizen of your country to have the same rights and privileges that you hold.

The only way peace will ever have a chance is if the media and the world stop trying to vilify Israel and rather realises that mistakes have been made on both sides and that compromises need to be made ON BOTH SIDES. Israel bashing only serves to inflame an already tense situation and while it continues there is no hope for peace.

pqr887 Report As Abusive
Jun 02, 2010 9:15am EDT

Hi pqr887, don’t you think that Israel has done enough ? don’t you think that the taxpayers Americans want to stop paying for your killings any more?Who is gonna back you any more?Israel is a tiny country with lots of enemies. And all these couse of it’s hostile behaviour to anybody who doesn’t agree with them.This act can win a nobel prize…this of stupidity!!!! Now in fact has sown it’s REAL FACE.And now ,we, the “western world” relize what is going on there…Can’t go on without paying for this in the middle term.BIG BIG MISTAKE!!!!!THERE is NO EXCUSE!!!! What harm can cause to Israel some European activists? Are the Europians civilians enemies too??

CATHINGR Report As Abusive
Jun 02, 2010 4:36pm EDT

Dear pqr887:

You claimed that Israel is a democracy because Palestinians can become Israeli citizens if they choose to. Please allow me to ask you just one simple question: If Palestinians “choose” to become Israeli citizens, will Israel return their homes and lands that were taken from them?

theorem Report As Abusive
Jun 02, 2010 4:42pm EDT

Israel has the right to defend itself.
There are still countries out there calling for its destruction.

What would you do?

dutch Report As Abusive
Jun 02, 2010 5:13pm EDT


I’ll have to check out the Lavon Affair. It was a little bit before my time but from everything that I’ve seen, fits their profile well. It would truly be a step in the right direction, if people in the US would take the time to truly investigate the facts and not just listen to the propaganda over popular tv stations owned by people with ulterior motives. A good start might be to use the Internet to visit other parts of the world and read the same stories from different perspectives but alas… I think, that in viewing a politician for office, I will have to consider whether he/she is going to be representing America or owe allegiance to a foreign power because of a political bribe!

hadenough2 Report As Abusive

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