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NASA 跟蹤常娥3的結果出來聊:杳無蹤影
送交者: 全伊 2013年12月27日06:22:55 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話




LADEE Project Scientist Update: Intial Observations of
Chang’e 3 Landing
Dec. 20, 2013
LADEE Above the Lunar Surface Artist's Concept

An artist's concept of NASA's Lunar Atmosphere and
Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) spacecraft seen orbiting near the surface of
the moon.

Image Credit: 

NASA Ames / Dana Berry

Image Token: 

Much of the world was watching the Chang'e 3 landing in northern Mare Imbrium
at 13:10 UTC Dec. 14, 2013. NASA’s Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment
Explorer (LADEE) was watching too.

In the evening of Friday, Dec. 13, Pacific Time, LADEE controllers uploaded a
command sequence that scheduled the science instruments for operations during
the Chang'e 3 landing period. LADEE's science instruments gathered data on the
dust and gas species before and after the landing to provide the science team
with a comparison.

The Neutral Mass Spectrometer (NMS) was running in a mode that would allow it
to monitor native lunar atmospheric species, as well as those resulting from
Chang'e 3's propulsion system. These combustion products were known to include
diatomic nitrogen, water, diatomic hydrogen and several other species. The two
other LADEE science instruments, the Lunar Dust Experiment (LDEX) and the
Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrometer (UVS), ran in their normal configurations.
Together they are able to detect ejected dust and gas species from a propulsion
system, provided these products could make the long trek to LADEE's position,
which was far from the Chang’e-3 landing site.  

LADEE's retrograde, near-equatorial orbit never goes beyond approximately
22.5 degrees north and south latitude. Chang'e 3's landing site was far to the
north of LADEE’s path, at 44.12 degrees north and 19.51 degrees west. At the
time of landing, LADEE was orbiting over a different part of the moon east of
the Chang'e 3 path, at 21.77 degrees south latitude and 82.17 degrees east
longitude - more than 3,400 km (2,100 miles) away.

At 13:41 UTC, about 30 minutes after the Chang’e 3 landing, LADEE flew over
19.51 degrees west longitude. At this time, LADEE was still more than 1,300 km
(800 miles) to the south of the landing site. The NMS had started exosphere
observations at 13:22 UTC and would continue for 55 minutes as LADEE sped across
the lunar sunrise terminator and into lunar night. The UVS had performed
atmospheric scans one orbit previous (LADEE's orbit period is about 2 hours),
around 12:15 UTC, and would do so again later. The LDEX was operating
normally, recording dust impacts prior to, during and after the Chang'e 3

Surprisingly, the LADEE science teams' preliminary evaluation of the data has
not revealed any effects that can be attributed to Chang'e 3. No increase in
dust was observed by LDEX, no change was seen by UVS, no propulsion products
were measured by NMS. Evidently, the normal native lunar atmospheric species
seen by UVS and NMS were unaffected as well. It is actually an important and
useful result for LADEE not to have detected the descent and landing. It
indicates that exhaust products from a large robotic lander do not overwhelm the
native lunar exosphere. As the descent video shows, the interval of time that
dust was launched by the lander is very short, perhaps less than 15 seconds. 
LADEE would probably have had to be in just the right place at the right time to
intercept it.  Also, significant amounts exhaust products apparently cannot
migrate to large distances (hundreds and thousands of miles) and linger with
sufficient density to be measured. We can compare these results to theoretical
predictions of gas and exhaust plume particle ejecta, and update our
understanding of the interaction of lander propulsion systems with surface
materials. In many ways, this has been a very useful

Rick Elphic

Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif.


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