In front of the golden sheen,
By the glamour of what they call purple fragrant (紫檀) and yellow flowery (花梨),
The garden of earthenware, stoneware, celadon,
The bronze, iron and steel,
The ink red and ink blue,
I realized they were staring at me.
I realized I probably looked good
But too good for them to see.
They must have been expecting to see something,
But found something else from me.
I probably looked good
But too good for them to see.
What was that?
I knew something else else was there.
Yes, it was about me;
No, it was not only about me.
In front of the glamour,
In front of golden sheen,
In front of the colors of purple and yellow,
They saw what was about me;
They saw what was not only about me.
Beyond black and white,
Beyond their shrewd smart,
They saw gold and purple,
They saw the colors of beauty and wisdom,
From their heaven's kingdom.
(中国人紫发金肤 - 是世界主要神的颜色)