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送交者: 白茶 2020年04月26日20:59:06 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话

Taraji Wu · 觉得很强大

[SEX, POWER and MONEY Issues in a Guru Cult]

Karmapa Living in 5-star Hotels Having Sex with Different Women Shall be Exposed for Public Awareness Yet Who are Sinful



It is useless to shave your hair to bald and wear your red and yellow robe if you are actually DECEIVED to have sex with your guru Karmapa in a guru cult called Karma Kagyu school. I don’t really see the meaning of holding appearances or signs of a nun. I think this is absolutely meaningless to keep this monastic sign although Karmapa told me to continue to be a nun after he had sex with me. I won’t listen to his commands and worship him as a guru anymore. This is more than enough. To me, this is something even worse than covid19 on earth. After all, the world is changing. Thank you for everything. Water from Ganges is now clearer.


Karmapa is the best actor in the world. He needs this play to live in 5-star hotels and have his own sensual life. He got a lot of money from followers from playing his role of chanting and giving speeches. He can then have income to continue to maintain his luxurious life. I understand his personal needs as a human and I understand many people want to be fooled to worship him and give everything to him. That’s life. Now he can buy everything that he wants including sex. Well, he has no true love but cheating on so I hope no one will be cheated by him. He can now buy sex. I think it is better for him to buy sex instead of cheating on different females. So obviously he wants his fame, his money and his expensive sensual life but not being honest. So he doesn’t clarify anything or apologise to any victims.


I can see this is the end of Buddha’s dharma and a true heart of an ordinary person to love and care is more precious than HYPOCRISY. I am happy to have left Karmapa and his people who like cyberbullying. I am not a nun anymore but my mind is clear. If you malign me saying I expose his wrong deeds for getting money, you are an idiot. If you are believing in it, i suggest you to continue contributing yourself to support your beloved guru because he is a monk begging you for money to live in 5-star hotels having sex with so many women. Those people who come to me with your crooked intentions to discredit me can leave now. It is your own karma to do anything yourself. It is none of my business here. I will block you if you are suspicious.


Anyway, who is the sinner? Not only Karmapa is the sinner, but also all the rich people who like giving out enormous sums of money to support his sinful life. These are real sinners who made him bring harm to the society. All those so-called dharma gatherings are now for what? It only reveals that he doesn’t have money to live on his sex life now so he needs to show up and plays the drama. Then, he will live his happy sex life in 5-star hotels with different women again. Well, I think this social problem will continue to next generations. Without money, how Karmapa can commit those sins? Money is not the source of sins but the people who gave money to Karmapa are sinful and ignorant. The money givers are ALL GUILTY to support his lavish sex life! But what is sarcastic is that they think they have MERITS. How terrible is this karma that everyone made.


No wonder the world is that bad now. It ALL starts from here. Top spiritual leader leads the world by setting up such example. This negativity of the wrong mind and behaviours have spread. I hope everyone can directly see this issue as their priority. Otherwise, the dharma will come to an end soon.


Monks should not live in rich lives having sex with different women in 5-star hotels! People should not give money to support his expensive sex life! Stop playing your drama and be responsible to your behaviours.


In future at a very good point of time, I will tell the whole world about how a foreign nun in Tibetan Buddhist cult lives her life without any nunnery too. You will never know a nun living in nunnery have to pay expensive rentals for her nunnery room in Tibetan Buddhist monastery. You will see how a rich spiritual leader living in lavish sex life exploiting a poor nun like me. Yet I am not asking for any compensation now. This is not my real intention and now I am not a nun who begs. What I want is to tell the truth and give you a knowledge regarding the realistic society and its problems. I will also analyse what are the causes of this social problem. I just want to tell anyone of you who is a female wishing to be a nun in a Tibetan cult should be well prepared to be raped by your guru with his deceptive skills and that you have to prepare rentals for your stays in any places for the rest of your lives. I have resigned from my permanent well paid job in 2011 to go through all these so I am responsible for telling you that all these experiences are worthy or not.


Now I don’t want to argue with anyone and start any verbal wars. I will only be interested in talking to the right person or people. Everyone should be responsible for what you have done.


Enough is enough.

May Buddha bless the earth and the people.

到此為止吧。 願佛陀保佑大地和人們。

If you understand my words, you understand. If you don’t understand it, you don’t. Just leave it and take care of yourself.


No need to like my post. Don’t waste your time with me. I wish you happy. Bye.



  黄教之吸阴神功,加持元神法力。达班皆得此助。  /无内容 - runqun 04/26/20 (51)
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