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继续跟进!路透社:川普说周六将ban TikTok的APP
送交者: 淡紫 2020年07月31日22:26:21 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald trump said on Friday that he was planning to sign an executive order as soon as Saturday banning Chinese-owned short-video app TikTok from the United States.

The move would be the culmination of U.S. national security concerns over the safety of the personal data that TikTok handles. It would represent a major blow for TikTok’s owner, Beijing-based ByteDance, which became one of only a handful of truly global Chinese conglomerates thanks to the app’s commercial success.

“As far as TikTok is concerned, we are banning them from the United States... I will sign the document tomorrow,” Trump told reporters on Air Force One.

ByteDance and TikTok did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

    如果我是张一鸣,与其被ban,不如卖给美国公司  /无内容 - 淡紫 07/31/20 (34)
  链接: - 淡紫 07/31/20 (45)
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