神的建造_God’s Building 中 |
送交者: 克利西亚 2024年01月10日06:48:07 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话 |
神的建造_God’s Building 中 其实整本圣经在讲一件事就是神的建造。在创世记开始,提到伊甸园旁边有一道比逊河,有金子、珍珠和红玛瑙,这些材料是三一神建造结构的基本元素: 金是父神神圣的性情,被呼召的人都有分的,珍珠是子神救赎之门,红玛瑙是灵神变化救赎之人过程; 三一之神建造工作所产生新耶路撒冷,就是由金、珍珠、和宝石这三类材料构成的: 金城碧玉墙,城根基用宝石装饰,墙上有珍珠门_启21:18~21。 神建造过程也可用马太十三章撒种者的比喻来说明:主将祂自己当作生命的种子,撒在人心的土壤里,使祂能生长并活在他们里面,且从他们里面彰显出来。 This is also illustrated by the parable of the sower in Matthew 13: The Lord sows Himself as the seed of life into men's hearts, the soil, that He might grow and live in them and be expressed from within them. 种子撒到土壤里,是凭土壤里的养分而长大;结果,种子的出产乃是由种子和土壤的元素所组成。 The seed is sown into the soil to grow with the nutrients of the soil; as a result, the produce is a composition of elements from both the seed and the soil. 在我们里面有一些养分是神所造的,预备让祂进到我们里面,在我们里面长大;神造了人的灵,有人的养分,也造了人的心,作为神圣种子生长的土壤。 We have within us certain nutrients created by God as a preparation for His coming into us to grow in us; God has created the human spirit with the human nutrients along with the human heart as the soil for the divine seed. 我们在生命里长大的速度,不在于神圣的种子,乃在于我们供应这种子多少的养分;我们供应的养分越多,种子就长得越快,并且越茂盛。 The rate at which we grow in life depends not on the divine seed but on how many nutrients we afford this seed; the more nutrients we supply, the faster the seed will grow and the more it will flourish. 我们若留在魂里,留在天然的人里,就没有任何养分为着神圣种子的长大;但我们若得着加强到里面的人里,并且注意我们的灵,操练我们的灵,就能够供应养分,基督就能安家在我们心里。 If we remain in our soul, in our natural man, there will not be any nutrients for the growth of the divine seed, but if we are strengthened into our inner man and if we pay attention to our spirit and exercise our spirit, the nutrients will be supplied, and Christ will make His home in our hearts. 我们若要主这生命的种子在我们里面长大,作我们完满的享受,我们就必须向主完全敞开,并与主合作,彻底地对付我们的心。 If we are going to have the Lord as the seed of life grow within us to be our full enjoyment, we have to open to the Lord absolutely and cooperate with Him to deal thoroughly with our heart. 一面,神用祂自己作元素加强我们;另一面,我们提供养分;借着这二者,神在基督里就在我们的全人里完成祂内在的建造,就是建造祂的家。 On the one hand, God strengthens us with Himself as the element, and on the other hand, we afford the nutrients; through these two God in Christ carries out His intrinsic building— the building of His home—in our entire being.
附经文 启21:18~21: 墙是用碧玉造的,城是纯金的,如同明净的玻璃。 城墙的根基是用各样宝石装饰的。第一根基是碧玉,第二是蓝宝石,第三是玛瑙,第四是绿宝石, 第五是红玛瑙,第六是红宝石,第七是黄璧玺,第八是水苍玉,第九是黄玉,第十是翡翠,第十一是紫玛瑙,第十二是紫晶。 十二个门是十二颗珍珠,每一个门各自是一颗珍珠造的,城内的街道是纯金,好像透明的玻璃。 相关链接:
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