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送交者: bfbx 2011年04月05日21:56:52 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话
The Great Wave, or 《神奈川冲浪里》, part of 富岳三十六景

This must be the most famous japanese image

According to wiki:
The waves in this work are sometimes mistakenly referred to as tsunami (津波), but they are more accurately called okinami (沖波), great off-shore waves.

Either way, it pretty much summed up the perpetual hardships the japs have to endure and how they have to risk their lives for the limited resources.

Recent incidents brought new meanings to it. The ever-increasing cost of resources induces the disaster we see today through a series of nature's acts but mostly,  hands of human.

The radioactive tsumami waves over-towering 富岳 eat alive the people who get way ahead of themselves. Enough to send shivers down the spines. Very very chilling if you look at it today.

What a master piece.

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