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Yes, it's the best solution
送交者: 笑菡 2009月02月28日17:40:59 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話
回  答: C got murdered this morningYani 於 2009-02-27 08:40:55
for now. There will be more banks to follow...
Based on experience, if 50% retracement doesn't hold, it will got to 68% to 61%. The failed the support area of 7300-7400 has now become the resistance level, market will make attempts to go back to the test the resistance. If so, it'll be a good area to sell.
Buffet's letter to investors today didn't sound very optimistic, I'm afraid the market may take him for ride next week.
  Roubini called - Yani 03/01/09 (335)
    Ha? Roubini called you? :-)) - 笑菡 03/01/09 (256)
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