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Is Obama 干净?
送交者: qm 2008月09月06日08:10:33 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 关于“困境”,请再仔细读我文后的英文转载。关于陈丹蕾 于 2008-09-06 01:19:32
A person's association tells a lot of his/her character. Zerobama's sit in the hateful church for 20 years, his friend William Ayers is a known terrorist, he came from Chicago where corruption is among the worst, so on and so forth. Those are much worse than having a pregnant daughter.

Politicians do not have to be flawless, by the way.

As for 困境, you read to many liberal cry wolf. US is fine. There are problems but no 困境. Obama only makes them worse.
    Economic 衰退 is normal & cyclic - qm 09/06/08 (213)
      这个圈是多少年? - 陈丹蕾 09/06/08 (219)
        You don't know that? - qm 09/06/08 (233)
          答案比比皆是,例如: - 陈丹蕾 09/06/08 (242)
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