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what's the concept of time?
送交者: kenn2003 2008月10月12日03:15:19 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: aa88:再談愛因斯坦理論--兼答RAREWaa88 於 2008-10-03 15:04:43
we are using the concept of time;

but what is it?

and is it absoluate?

or relative?

time, is sth used to measure the progress of a process, ie, to compare two processes or to compare two different sections of one process;

if in the universe, there is only one process and a contantly proceeeding process, then we don't need the concept of time;

so, there is only one universal time; and this should be regarded as an axiom, since a formal proof seems to be pretty hard;

the relative time is a mathematical artifact;

you can use it (the relative time or different times in different whatever);

but you should not elevate it to sth divine, such as it is real.
  Wrong again - xi11west 10/23/08 (178)
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