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Ask UAW first
送交者: qm 2008月11月23日08:20:04 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 三大汽車公司問題的徹底辦法萬寶1 於 2008-11-22 23:54:54
When you said "如果降低工資成本,一紙文件一夜之間就可立即完全解決問題", I am not sure you know what you are talking about. You think GM/FORD/Crysler can reduce salary at will? Get real first.

UAW has been the most powerful union in US. Auto workers has contracts with the company and they are protected. On top of that, they can go on strike legally when they choose to.

The only way the the Big 3 to survive may be to declare bankruptcy so they can nullify the union contract. After that, they can renegociate the salary with workers.

Currently, the average labor cost at Big 3 is about $73/hour compared to $47/hour at Toyota, and there is no union at Toyota. 'Nuff said.
  Can the most powerful in US - 24680 11/24/08 (372)
    UAW's power - qm 11/24/08 (390)
      This power is true, but wrong - 萬寶1 11/24/08 (285)
  你或許是對的,但是 - 萬寶1 11/23/08 (363)
    You are out of touch - qm 11/23/08 (317)
      support your idea.  /無內容 - oldyoungman 11/26/08 (162)
      Fact decides how much 正財富/負財富 - 萬寶1 11/24/08 (192)
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