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start with a joke
送交者: 空軍大院 2009月02月19日06:49:59 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 我不得不說空軍大院 於 2009-02-19 06:00:40
It goes like this: On the last lap of the test road, the girl failed on her driving test for the third time. And looking at the exam officer straight at his eyes: "your officers are always picking up on me AND my family! When my grandmother took her test, she was told that she failed here. When my mother took her test, she was told the same thing here too. And NOW you told me again!"

Piling up opinion, hear-says, rumors, accusations, etc., avoiding checking out facts with convincing argument loaded with fact-based statistics, simply exaggerate the "fact" by appealing to one's passion rather than to his rational - this AND only this, is the typical "cultural revolution" style, inherited from our Chinese culture.
  謝謝了. - 一目 02/19/09 (143)
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