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Could Hawking be right?
送交者: c_y_lo 2018月10月25日13:08:12 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答:  霍金最后的研究论文古林风 于 2018-10-17 02:40:02

There are many ignorant theoriests believe Hawking could be right.They ignore the fact that none of Hawking's prediction has been verified right. The only verified prediction of Hawking, the non-existence of higgs Boson has has been proven wrong.

Hawking is famous is due to his sigularity theorems that proven the existence of space-time singularity. Many believed him because he won the mathematical arguement against Russian physicst Liftshts. However, this problem is actually due an implicit assumption, the unique sign of all the couplings, which was accepted because people believe in E = mc2 as generally valid. Fortunately, recently this formula is proven to be invalid theorectically as well as experimentally, and is actually a major error of Einstein.

Therefore, those believed in Hawking should at least do the experiemenats that proveve Einstein is wrong.  

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