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kenn2003: the biggest problem in US...
送交者: kenn2003 2008年10月23日21:09:53 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
the biggest problem in US actually is not the over-concerned economy or ridiculous things like gay pride; the #1 biggest problem in the united states of america is simply: the huge influx of mexicans and indians; they implode this nation, from inside; which is much more powerful than an explosion; the # of mexcians, legal & illegal, hits 20% of overall population; so that 15 millions of illegal mexicans are floating around streets and alleys; and the growth of indians outpaces all other ethenic groups; from year 2000 to 2005 alone, indians grew by 38%, a stagggering figure which scared me back to my shell; america is under arrest by these two infusions; yesterday when in a coffee cafe doing wireless, i find 9 out of 30 be indian; it have puzzle me for many year that while usually i can tell originality of most people here in US, i can't tell wherefrom for some certain type of people; and they in presence at extremely high precentage; i think they may be some sort of south american; and it turn out i am wrong, coz, yesteday, all the sudden i realize: they all indian, the second -generation indian! their language or gesture look a little different from their parent, that's why i can't tell the wherefrom of them before; and i watch how gradually occupy a corner of a table initially taken by a chinese, and step by step they grab more and more, they talk aloud (and that's why from one recognized indian face i can suddenly realize all the rest are indians too), and eventually piss off that chinese girl; this is a vivid simulation of what is going to happen in the future on this vast land rich in resources; so i can't stay in the coffee cafe anymore coz i can't focus anymore
  Please write correct English  /无内容 - Oldman3 11/05/08 (179)
  Not all that bad - qm 10/24/08 (209)
  by the way - kenn2003 10/23/08 (247)
    U should join KKK - laotzi 10/27/08 (155)
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