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看你们讨论国内学英语的事, 我想到了英语中用
送交者: 要饭花子 2009年03月23日20:35:20 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
when i was in china, i carried an english dictionary wherever i went, from bedroom (with the dictionary being my pillow of course), to bathroom, to classroom, to office, to shops, and to everywhere. one day our company had an exhibition in shandong. the area assigned to us was enclosed by a rope. before we opened our booth, many people were already standing there waiting to see our products. since i finished all the preparations already, i did not have much to do. i then sat in a chair and started to recite my dictionary. at the time, one lady pushed herself through the crowd and was jumping over the rope. she wanted to have a first glimpse of the products. i was thrilled that many people came to see our products, but i was not amused by this sudden act. right after one of her feet touched our enclosed ground, i quickly stood up and said to her '你应是 beyond 这。。。' while pointing my finger at where the rope and her body met. before i finished my sentence, i heard one thumping sound. '谁是B yangde?’ she shouted, while landing one big smack on on my face. '谁是B yangde?', another one on the other side of my face, this time, it was an even louder thump. by now my face had become a red flower. having seen all this, my coworker from shandong rushed in and said to her: ’ 他是我们公司的翻译, 刚从英语系毕业, 他在 和你讲英语'. '什么'? the lady was now in a shock. '是, B yangde 在英语里 是到那边的意思。 他是让你不要到这边来‘。 the lady was embarrassed and became speechless. tears brimmed in her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. i felt sorry for her. with my burning face, i comforted her in english: 'don't worry about it, though it was not good for you to be beyond yourself. it was clear that you could not control it'. she then apologized and thanked me. after that the show started.
  哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈  /无内容 - 狸猫 03/23/09 (203)
  hah, this experience is beyond - 定理 03/23/09 (239)
    I think both are on the same - 飞星 03/23/09 (298)
      tell you the truth, i - 要饭花子 03/23/09 (269)
        Ha,talk about the consequences - 飞星 03/23/09 (287)
          i hope that my pronounciation - 要饭花子 03/23/09 (239)
    true story - 要饭花子 03/23/09 (176)
      Here you go....going down? - 飞星 03/23/09 (170)
        haha, interesting - 要饭花子 03/23/09 (184)
      听你口音,丐君是北方人? - 定理 03/23/09 (152)
        东西南北我都讨过。我只是几年前来过 - 要饭花子 03/23/09 (207)
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