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送交者: 老金 2011年03月19日03:46:24 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
Milk, Spinach With High Radiation Levels Found Near Nuclear Plant

TOKYO (Kyodo)--Milk and spinach from areas near the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant have been found with radiation above Japan's regulated standards, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said Saturday. Edano, however, said at a news conference that the radiation detected does not immediately pose a risk to human health.

The top government spokesman said the government will look into details of the latest case and consider whether it is necessary to stop shipment of some of the agricultural products from areas near the power plant.

Milk in question is from the town of Kawamata in Fukushima Prefecture and radiation-contaminated spinach is from six municipalities in Ibaraki Prefecture, according to the health ministry.

Vice health minister Kohei Otsuka first announced the contamination before Edano's news conference. He told reporters at the premier's office that high levels of radiation have been found in ''three to four items.''

But Edano said high levels of radiation have been detected in only milk and spinach.

The nuclear power plant has had a series of problems, including explosions and radiation leaks, since a devastating earthquake and tsunami hit the country's northeastern regions on March 11.

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