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1)        陳-Donaldson-孫的報告與文章

2)        田的報告與文章

3)        結論


I.                     陳-Donaldson-孫的報告與文章




S-T. Yau. On the Ricci curvature of a compact Kähler manifold and the complex Monge-Ampere equation, I∗. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 31. 339-441, 1978.

http://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/~aar/atiyah80.htm (Don-Atiyah, April 22, 2009)

http://www2.imperial.ac.uk/~skdona/KENOTES.PDF (Don-KEY, October 19, 2009)

http://www.math.northwestern.edu/calendar/complex_geometry_conference.html (Don-NW, October 24-27, 2009)

                http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/1007.4220 (Don-Stab, July 23, 2010)

                http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/1102.1196 (Don, February 6, 2011)

                http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/1104.0270 (Don-Chen1, April 21, 2011)

                http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/1104.4331 (Don-Chen2, April 21, 2011)

                http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/1112.1594Don-Chen3, December 7, 2011)

                http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/1206.2609 (Don-Sun, June 12, 2012)

http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/1210.7494 (CDS, October 30, 2012)

http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/1211.4566 (CDSI, November 19, 2012)       

http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/1212.4714 (CDSII, December 19, 2012)

http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/1302.0282 (CDSIII, February 1st, 2013)


 S. T. Yau, Open problems in geometry, Problem 65, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure         Mathematics, Vol 54 (1993), AMS. 

“Ten years ago he [Yau] also shared with me his belief that the problem would be related to certain stability properties of the underlying manifolds.” (Tian’s response to receiving Veblen prize in 1996, http://www.ams.org/notices/199603/comm-veblen.pdf).

“The idea that the appropriate condition should be in terms of “algebro-geometric stability” was proposed by Yau about 20 years ago [20]” (CDS, p1)

“The conjecture was refined considerably by work of Tian in the 1990’s [14]…. In Tian’s original definition of K-stability the destabilising objects were projective varieties, smooth or mildly singular, with holomorphic vector fields. In the generalisation of [4] the destabilising objects were allowed to be general schemes with C actions. ” (Don-Stab, p2)

 “[14] Tian, G. Kahler-Einstein metrics of positive scalar curvature, Inventiones Math. 130 1-57 (1997)”

(Don-Stab, p26)

“[4] Donaldson, S. Scalar curvature and stability of toric varieties Jour. Differential Geometry 62 289-349 (2002)” (Don-Stab, p25)




“The case we have primarily in mind is when X is a Fano manifold, D is an anticanonical divisor and the metrics are Kähler-Einstein; the motivation being the hope that one can study the existence problem for smooth Kähler-Einstein metrics on X (as a limit when β tends to 1) by deforming the cone angle. … (omitted). In further papers with X-X Chen, we will study more advanced and sophisticated questions.” (Don, p1)

Donaldson-陳秀雄做了一系列工作為致力於解決丘猜測(Don-Atiyah,Don-KEY, Don-NW, Don-Chen I-III)。Donaldson-孫崧在2012年6月份的一篇文章 (Don-Sun) 也是導致解決丘猜測的重要一步。長期以來,人們困擾於一列Kähler-Einstein流形的Gromov-Hausdorff極限改變了復結構。這篇文章對於光滑的Kähler-Einstein流形,在適當的有界條件的限制下,證明存在收斂的子列,其極限是代數的。


在Donaldson解決此問題的框架下,需要將Don-Sun的工作拓展到帶錐的Kähler 流形。在CDS解決丘猜測的概覽中,他們給出了關鍵的步驟。這裡關鍵是引入好的切錐的概念。證明的細節見CDSII。

“We say such a tangent cone C(Y) is “good” if the following holds. For any η > 0 there is a function on Y supported in the neighborhood of the singular set S(Y), equal to 1 on some neighborhood of S(Y) and with the L2 norm of its derivative less than η. One main technical result is that in fact all tangent cones are good. Given this, the arguments of [10] extend almost word-for-word.” (CDS p3-p4, [10] = Don-Sun)


“Case (3), which is the crucial issue, involves two main difficulties. (Case (2b) is covered by the same discussion.), … (omitted) However it is true, by the Luna Slice theorem and the Hilbert-Mumford theorem applied to a slice, if we know that the automorphism group of (W, Δ) is reductive. Thus we need to prove

• Aut(W, Δ) is reductive.

• The Futaki invariant Futβ∞  vanishes.” (CDS, p4-p5)


“This is a variant of the standard Matsushima Theorem, which asserts that the  automorphism group of a manifold with a smooth Kähler-Einstein metric is reductive; the new feature being that the proof operates with the Lie groups rather than their Lie algebras.”(CDS, p6)

“One technical tool in the study of weak (conical) Kähler-Einstein metrics is the convexity of a functional defined by Ding [16], as discovered by Berndtsson [6].” (CDSIII)

II.                   田的報告與文章

Donaldson-Chen的系列工作(Don-Atiyah, Don-KEY, Don-NW, Don-Chen I-III) 為解決丘猜測建立了基本框架。Donaldson-孫菘工作的出現,使人們看到了在Fano流形上解決丘猜測的曙光。田開始加入,田在石溪的一次會議上宣稱解決了此問題。在報告結尾石溪數學系LeBrun教授問田的工作與Chen-Donaldson的工作有無聯繫,田回答說不知道他們的工作。下面我們看到田的文章基本上是按照Donaldson的綱領證明丘的猜測但缺乏關鍵的細節。田稱此問題為Folklore 猜測, 而1996年他在Veblen獲獎應答中明言丘先生10年前就告訴他此問題能否有解取決於流形的穩定性。田在KE的主要工作似都是在1997年以前做的。

http://www.math.sunysb.edu/Videos/Cycles2012/video.php?f=14-Tian (Tian-SB, October 25, 2012)


http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/1211.4669 (Tian1, first version: Nov. 20, 2012, Tian2, second version: January 18, 2013) 

田的文章基於Donaldson提出的方案,但是缺少關鍵性的步驟和解決這些問題的細節。這幾個關鍵的步驟首次出現在CDS的證明概要文章中,解決這些問題的的細節則出現在CDS後面的三篇文章中。田在第一篇文章中加入了石溪報告中沒有的、出現在CDS中的關鍵性步驟, 在後面的修改中加入了一些首篇文章中沒有的、CDS中出現的解決問題的細節。田在愛丁堡的報告中,就一個要點講了CDS的證明而未給出出處,且承認自己的證明技術上有困難。

http://www.icms.org.uk/workshops/ricci (Tian-EB, July 8th, 2013)


CDS文章中好的切錐在田的文章中變成引理5.8 (Tian1, 22頁)。 田在Tian1中給了半頁的證明。在CDS的第二篇文章出現後,Tian2中給出了更長的證明。




 “Lemma 6.3. The Lie algebra η∞ of G∞ is reductive.” (Tian1, p28; Tian2, p35)

在Tian1 和 Tian2 中,田都試圖證明李代數是可約的。這個證明有個初級錯誤。

“Therefore, if we normalize X by multiplication by a complex number such that supM∞ θ∞ = 1, we want to show that the imaginary part of X is Killing. “ (Tian1, p28-29)


“Therefore, it suffices to produce a special degeneration of M to M1. Since M1 is in the closure of the orbit of M [in] CPN under the action of SL(N + 1), we only need to show that the automorphism group of M1 is reductive.

This can be deduced from the uniqueness theorem due to Berndtsson and Berman. There is also a more direct proof.”(Tian-EB, part I)


“Then the uniqueness result of Berndtsson [4], as extended in [3], can be used to show that the automorphism group is reductive.” (CDS)

“Remark: If M1 is smooth, then by standard arguments, one can prove that the group is reductive. But if M1 is singular, one needs to pay attention to a technical problem caused by the singularity.” (Tian-EB, part I)

如CDS所指出的,由於奇點的出現,可約性的證明只能對自同構群做,不能直接對李代數做。在Tian1 和 Tian2 中,田都試圖證明李代數是可約的。

在Tian1, 28頁田用半頁討論廣義Futaki不變量為零。

“In our case, though ω∞ may not be smooth along D∞ even in the conic sense, using the Lipschtz continuity of θ∞, one can still prove the vanishing of fM∞,(1−β)D∞(X) by the

same arguments as in the smooth case.” (Tian1, p29; Tian2, p36)

上述一段是我們從Tian1和Tian2中找到的所有的極限流形的Futaki不變量為零的證明。在CDSIII的文章中他們花了很多篇幅證明這一關鍵的步驟(CDSIII,p31-36, p39-46).


“C4. For any x ∈ S2n−2, Cx = C′x × Cn−1, where C′x is a 2-dimensional flat cone of angle 2mπβ∞ for some integer m ≥ 1. (Tian1, p12)

“In our new case, the conic singularity of ωi along D may contribute a term close to 2mπβi in the slicing argument, this is how we can conclude that C′x is a 2-dimensional flat cone of angle 2mπβ∞.” (Tian1, p12)

“Lemma 5.5. For … (omitted), which is biholomorphic to C, of angle 2mπβ∞ < 2π. …(omitted) the Euclidean metric on Cn−1 with a conic metric on C′x of angle 2mπβ∞ < 2π.” (Tian1, p19)

“Remark 5.6. It follows from the volume comparison that 2mπβ∞ ≤ 2π. But x or y is a singularity, so 2mπβ∞ < 2π.” (Tian1, p19)

“(1) There is a tangent cone Cx of the form Cn−1 × C′x for a 2-dimensional flat cone C′x of angle 2mπβ∞, where m ∈ Z;

(2) … (omitted), any tangent cone Cy of Cx at y is of the form Cn−1 × C′y for a 2-dimensional flat cone C′y of angle 2mπβ∞.”(Tian1, p21)

在Tian2 上述角度的錯誤被稱為打字錯誤,更正為“(1 − μ) = m(1 − β∞)” (Tian2, p14). 這個正確的公式和CDSII的一樣:

“Proposition 13: We have the identity (1 − γ) = μi(1 − β∞).” (CDSII, p16)


 “Using the same arguments in [CCT95], one can show: Theorem 3.2” (Tian1, p14)


“Remark 5.6. It follows from the volume comparison that 2mπβ∞ ≤ 2π. But x or y is a singularity, so 2mπβ∞ < 2π.” (Tian1, p19)

“Remark 5.6. …(omitted) If β∞ < 1, since (1 − μa) = ma(1 − β∞) for some integer ma, there is a bound on l as well. In fact, one should be able to prove that there is a uniform bound on l depending only on λ.” (Tian2, p22)

從註記5.6我們看到田意識到正確的角度公式在β∞ < 1的情形給出重數的上界。他仍未意識到在β∞ = 1時重數可以是無窮。這兩種情形CDS在CDSII和CDSIII中分別作了研究。

“In this paper [CDSII] we consider the case when the limit β∞ is strictly less than 1. In the sequel [CDSIII] we will consider the case when β∞ = 1 and also explain, in more detail than in [8], how our results lead to the main theorem announced there.” (CDSII, p1-2)


“A general result of Evans-Krylov type is stated in [13] where two independent proofs are given, but at the time of writing we have had difficulty in following the one of these proofs that we have, so far, studied in detail. Partly for this reason, and partly because it has its own interest, we give a different approach (to achieve what we need) below.” (CDSII, p31)

“[13] T. Jeffres, R. Mazzeo, T. Rubinstein. Kähler-Einstein metrics with edge singularities. arXiv: 1105.5216” (CDSII)


                “If supM ϕi is uniformly bounded, by the Harnack-type estimate in Theorem in [JMR11], the C0-norm of ϕi is uniformly bounded. So, by [JMR11] again, ϕi converge to a solution of (6.1) for β = β.” (Tian1, p28, [JMR11] = [CDSIII13])

“By our assumption and the results in [JMR11], ||ϕβ||C0 diverge to ∞ as β tends to β.”(Tian2, p33)

III.                 結論





普林斯頓大學數學博士 胡森

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