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送交者: abc55 2014月05月31日22:28:58 於 [史地人物] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 給中國歷史上最大災難時代永遠存證高伐林 於 2014-05-29 16:08:11

The culture revolution achieved at least five great goals.

1. the corrupted government officials and their puppets were punished and removed.

2. the government of the people, by the people and for the people was truly established.

3. freedom of speech not controlled by money but dictated by the free wills of the majority of the people through the open speech, the transparent media and the big poster became a reality.

4. the evils who are today controlled by the money and the special interest, the evils who are still the supporters of the corrupted government officials are revealing their true nature against the interest of majority of the Chinese population.

5. It serves as a mirror to reflect the greediness and the rottenness of the nowadays Chinese society and its government.




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