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He'll have to go
送交者: 茶叶蛋 2008月06月30日20:14:04 于 [跨国婚姻] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 夏夜听老歌 (1)qmh 于 2008-06-20 10:41:00
He'll Have to Go - Jim Reeves

Put your sweet lips a little closer to the phone
Let's pretend that we're together all alone
I'll tell the man to turn the juke box way down low
And you can tell your friend there with you he'll have to go

Whisper to me tell me do you love me true
Or is he holding you the way I do
Though love is blind make up your mind I've got to know
Should I hang up or will you tell him he'll have to go

You can't say the words I want to hear
While you're with another man
Do you want me answer yes or no
Darlin' I will understand

Put your sweet lips a little closer to the phone
Let's pretend that we're together all alone
I'll tell the man to turn the juke box way down low
And you can tell your friend there with you he'll have to go
  谢谢贴出歌词。 - qmh 07/01/08 (307)
    test - qmh 10/23/08 (201)
    test - qmh 10/23/08 (118)
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