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I-485申請的體檢表格 I-693
送交者: Peter93 2014年04月26日13:58:49 於 [跨國婚姻] 發送悄悄話



You have an appointment for immigration medical examination next week, for my I-485 application of status adjustment. What is the purpose of the exam? and how to submit the exam result to USCIS?




A medical examination is a general requirement for an alien immigrant. The main purpose of the immigration medical examination is to make sure that the alien immigrant is admissible for not having a significant physical diseases or mental disorder of public health. For example, the tuberculosis can be a problem for immigration examination, which could be communicable or not be cured for a short time. The doctor may also ask you some questions, take a chest X-ray, and draw blood.


After the examination, the doctor should fill Form I-693 - Report of Medical Examination and Vaccination Record, to document the results of your medical exam. The doctor should sign the Form I-693, and seal the form in an envelope. You must submit the sealed envelope to USCIS, together with your other I-485 application documents.



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