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HW 毒药啊,Stone沾上了也被
送交者: 福禄 2017年10月13日12:07:48 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

Oliver Stone backtracks on his defense of Harvey Weinstein, but now faces sexual harassment allegation of his own

came to Harvey Weinstein’s defense, but now he’s backing off — and he’s also facing sexual harassment allegation of his own.

“I’ve been travelling for the last couple of days and wasn’t aware of all the women who came out to support the original story in the New York Times,” the Oscar-winning director wrote on Facebook on Friday. “After looking at what has been reported in many publications over the last couple of days, I’m appalled and commend the courage of the women who’ve stepped forward to report sexual abuse or rape. I’ll therefore recuse myself from the Guantanamo series as long as the Weinstein Company is involved.”

No sooner did stories about Stone’s comments on Weinstein start to circulate than the director himself faced allegations of sexual misconduct. Carrie Stevens, an actress (Days of Our Lives and Beverly Hills, 90210) and former Playboy model, took to Twitter to claim that Stone grabbed her breast — and grinned — during a party at media mogul Ted Field’s house in the early 1990s.

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