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Hospital Visit(醫院探訪)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年03月28日11:06:35 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


【Aiden in English】

        It's sad to have a family member experience a surgery ordeal. The treatment is painful, and so is the recovery. That's why I go to the rehabilitation center where Grandma stays to cheer her on to full recovery.

        The arthroplasty was performed about grandma's right knee due to a severe osteoarthritis. Earlier last week, Dr. Grant, an orthopedic surgeon, replaced her kneecap or patella with a large metal tray in Einstein Medical Center, PA. It sounded so complicated and I was scared to death. After surgery, she has to be transferred to a rehab center and put though tough exercises everyday before she is able to get back on her feet. 

        I feel really bad for her, considering the pain she's been through. Worst of all, I can't do anything but pray. She is clearly in discomfort even though she takes a variety of painkillers. I know that grandma will benefit from the medical treatment in a long run. Yet it is tough just standing by and to wait.





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