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Pifu, I have a friend working
送交者: 大壞人!嘿嘿 2020年03月31日17:48:40 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

and associate with the Extinction Rebellion organiztion. She sent me this open letter draft to UK PM and Bill Gates. They are preparing to initiate a global movement to form an International Bio Labs Registry. She ask me if I have any professional people can help her, contribute technical opnions and review her draft with technical key words. I believe you are in the best position to review her work.

She is a wildlife lover and needs professional help regarding genetic engineering and editing.


To Our World People,


We are a UK based community nature conservancy organization.   We are urging our world people stand together to initiate a global movement to form an International Bio Technologies Registry in order regulate all bio labs activities globally.   Generally, most of our organization efforts, thus far have been dedicated to wildlife and habitat protection. However, our main concern at present is the possibility or probability of a catastrophe or massive extinction of mankind and all forms of wildlife species.

A few months ahead of the Wuhan, Covid 19 pandemic, there was a pig extinction flu across China, that wiped out a hundred million domestic pigs and wild boars. We are now questioning if this farming industry disaster in China was just a coincidence, or another irresponsible man-made biotech disaster. The scary part regarding today's gene and virus strings and structure, altering biotechnologies is that materials and equipment are readily available globally, in the market, or online shopping. Anyone with little biotech lab training skills can purchase these products and set up a lab to alter the gene or virus without understanding its consequences to the public’s safety, or top it with a terrorist agenda. Any natural changes in the said sequence of a gene or virus are defined as mutation. However, any unnatural changes altered by human factors are left up to individuals' political propaganda views and interpretations to define it or explain to the public. We don't believe that today's said gene and virus altering technologies have ever been scientifically defined, classified, or openly discussed and its potential hazards to the public and wildlife .


In UK, Canada and the USA, project funding is monitored by a small review panel of professional individuals. The process of choosing the review panel members can be consumed with conflict of interest. Similar to that of the nuclear safety industry team members' conflict, that ultimately led to the Fukushima disaster. The biotech industry basically, has no kind of meaningful legislation for professional responsibility to the public at all, let alone specified law enforcement. We strongly believe that these biotechs and material supply industries should be regulated globally. Also, a set of technical codes clearly defining health hazard classifications and military grades of technologies are badly needed. Furthermore, failure to comply must be backed up by enforceable international laws and covenants. Importantly, to note and recognize there is an imperative need to initiate a compulsory global transparent registry system that can monitor and review all bio lab activities. Weapon-grade or class of biotechnology research, being concealed under the covers of civilian fields, could lead to worldwide human and wildlife extinction. The Covid 19 virus, which has become a worldwide pandemic, has created an overwhelming fear among us all. Constant panic, worry and fear is now the new norm. Our health professionals are risking their lives, working on the front lines for 12 long hours, limited to only two masks for protection, per day. All our lives are now threatened, our daily routines altered, halted and forever changed. Confined inside our homes, worrying, waiting and praying that this deadly, invisible, infectious agent will soon cease to exist. We have  sent an open letter to  urge our PM and Mr. Bill Gates to initiate and lead a global movement. An International Bio Technologies Registry to monitor and protect the industry, including protecting the intellectual property rights of scientists.


We must together stand as one and insist on the protection of this beautiful planet, our precious wildlife species and our right for life.




Warmest regards, 



Catherine Massaro

  These people are mother fuckin - 綠野仙人 03/31/20 (35)
  made some changes but tracks - pifu01 03/31/20 (81)
    Thanks.  /無內容 - 大壞人!嘿嘿 03/31/20 (70)
      My friend is a beautiful - 大壞人!嘿嘿 03/31/20 (86)
        she is a brain dead idiot  /無內容 - 綠野仙人 04/01/20 (60)
      My friend is a beautiful - 大壞人!嘿嘿 03/31/20 (62)
  what does she specifically nee - pifu01 03/31/20 (54)
    Its all stated in her open - 大壞人!嘿嘿 03/31/20 (69)
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