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Scrimmage in Soccer Practice(足球训练中的混战)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月07日10:58:04 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Aiden in English

        I'm not the guy you pass to in soccer. Why? I have slow reflexes like dirt and I am not the strongest kicker. However, a miracle happened today.

        We were down by one in a scrimmage against another team. I was put up in midfield for three short minutes. Wow, you could say the shot was a fluke, or it's a bad goalie. But I think of it as a fair and square goal.

        So the goalie had the ball and punted it. It handed ... ... 5 feet away from the goal, right next to me. Obviously, I attached by dribbling the ball to my left, and let it rip. The goalie caught the ball as it was a lob, and gave it another punt. Again, it was right next to me. Again, I dribbled to my left. Again, I let it rip. Except this time, persistence won, and I tied up the game at 3-3.

        I'm not the one to go to for a goal. But it doesn't mean I can't give it a try.







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