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GuoMeiMei vs Criminal at large
送交者: abc55 2014年08月09日20:59:32 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话

Guo MeiMei is used as a scapegoat, while the Chinese government is protecting China's worst corruption criminals.  Wen Jiabao's family, the world most hideous criminal family is still at large. Compared with the hideous crimes committed by Chang Lily (her true name is Wen RuChun, daughter of Wen Jiabao), Guo MeiMei's misdemeanor (a minor wrongdoing) is not worth mentioning at all. The reason that the corrupted Chinese elites gave such an enormous humiliation to a 23 year-old young girl Guo MeiMei is that she is only the daughter of an ordinary Chinese family. The corrupted Chinese elites are only interested in robbing and humiliating the common people without any fear of violating the law, because the common people have no power and therefore, are helpless and defenseless. Shame on you, the corrupted Chinese elites. Look at the link below to see how the worse and the most notorious corruption criminals are protected by the Chinese government and its elites, while ironically the so called anti-corruption campaign is under way! What a shameless joke!



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