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Her source?
送交者: tgbbgt 2008月10月06日07:40:32 於 [新 大 陸] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 奧巴馬的謊言足以讓他被淘汰出局,沒資格競選美國總統0420 於 2008-10-05 01:15:01
Palin's accusation doesn't count. what is the source of Obama's quote? She didn't give a time, a place or the context.
What is bugging me is that she is still whining and bitching about being treated unfairly by the media. What a wimp. What is she expecting from the media? If she can't take it, just quit. Hey Mrs. maverick, this is not Alaska anymore, OK? This is not your turf where u got your way around freely. You have to play by the rules in the presidential campaign now, get it? You should have fully prepared for the grilling you are about to get when you accepted the pick. Where is the bravado you showed when you shoot those wolves from a helicopter?
  very good English. :0) /無內容 - 陳丹蕾 10/06/08 (106)
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