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Where the river ends
送交者: 小欣 2008年11月10日11:18:55 於 [詩詞歌賦] 發送悄悄話
在河流的盡頭, 我想輕輕地依偎在你的身邊 聽那河水涓涓 看那鱗波點點 還有多少緣在指尖? 也許風兒輕輕 也許浪花平平 清風細浪像那倒掛的天 心兒在天上懸 你的名字啊,我使勁念, 一遍,一遍,。。。 直到風兒累了,閉上眼 聽說有一條路叫黃泉 路上沒有燈,也沒有危險 我還能找個陰雨天 悄悄溜到你的窗前 陪你說說陽世陰間 《Where the river ends》是一本很不錯的書。如果我想把喜歡的句子劃下來,那麼,除了出版信息,這本書恐怕不會有什麼“乾淨”的地方了。隨便抄寫幾行: On the outside, everything had been taken. Abbie's professional life, her beauty, the welcoming softness of her bosom, the rounded curves, the confident smile. But that was just the external stuff. We could live without that. What about the stuff you couldn't see? Her unbridled passion for life, her intimate desire for me, her childlike hope in pretty much anything, her incomparable dreams. Abbie was a shell of her former self. A feeble skeleton dresses in a ghost's clothing. The only thing left was time. I'm no sage. I don't pretend to have this all figured out, but I know this: some live well, some die well,but few love love well. Why? I don't know if I can answer that. We all live, we all die -- there is no get-out-of -jail-free card, but it's the part in between that matters. To love well...that's something else. It's a choosing -- something done again and again and again. No matter what. And in my experience, if you so choose, you better be willing to suffer hell.
  好詩  /無內容 - 萬尊 11/10/08 (130)
    謝謝  /無內容 - 小欣 11/10/08 (108)
  這麼快就讀完了 - celery 11/10/08 (386)
    謝過芹妹妹 - 小欣 11/10/08 (331)
      原來還是位 - celery 11/11/08 (269)
        高興啊,高興啊! - 小欣 11/11/08 (280)
          喔唔,一上來就這麼巨一部頭 - celery 11/11/08 (297)
            哈哈。我前邊也有些開玩笑的意思。 - 小欣 11/11/08 (301)
              Junior Level 除了內容有些區別,語言難易程度上 - celery 11/12/08 (225)
                芹妹妹好。 - 小欣 11/12/08 (161)
                  那就好那就好 - celery 11/12/08 (117)
  there is one thing you can - 職老 11/10/08 (246)
    告訴你一個很好玩的想法,別笑我。 - 小欣 11/10/08 (181)
      very creative :DD  /無內容 - celery 11/10/08 (158)
    好主意。 - 小欣 11/10/08 (166)
  "The river never ends" - 小欣 11/10/08 (143)
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